No links today but just a cushioned and personally informed caution:
If your county or locale is on renewed or stricter quarantines now, especially in USA, please do not venture outside your locale into neighboring counties for recreation or respite. The orders and the residents in that neighboring location may have different ideas about what is acceptable and what is not in these circumstances.
It’s a risk, and, just don’t risk it. Right now in a lot of locales, life is to be lived and weathered in your own home space, your own yard.
No long distance travel, even just a few hours away, unless for *truly* essential business or because you intend to remain at destination for the duration of this health crisis.
Stay well, stay home, wear your mask otherwise, and although it is against the guidelines, HUGS. Virtual ones of course. Hopefully it’s the thought that counts, because I know for some of us, the virtual ones are all we’ve got.