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Author Topic: Off-Topic Election 2020

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Off-Topic Re: Election 2020
#20: November 04, 2020, 12:43:24 PM
This kind of topics, at least in the US, is toxic. It is not an open discussion. I don't think we need it here.
Marvin and I actually agree.
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Re: Election 2020
#21: November 04, 2020, 12:54:57 PM
If mods agree with marvin, my ask is please and respectfully that mods will lock the thread. It seems the role of community moderators to do that.

Otherwise, my take as a spirited American voter and global citizen is that it’s good to hear the voices of non-Americans at this time. Whatever the election results will be or why, and no matter what happens afterward, we all are still in this together. You non-Americans don’t have to live in it every day, but hopefully we all do understand that the American vote and state of things in the USA do affect you and other parts of this planet.

I’m grateful for your input no matter what. Thank you for starting and having this discussion.

I’d rather read you, than the news. (((HUGS)))
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Re: Election 2020
#22: November 04, 2020, 01:10:06 PM
This kind of topics, at least in the US, is toxic. It is not an open discussion. I don't think we need it here.
Marvin and I actually agree.

Me too. We have one big thing in common. Focusing on that allows for the support and empathy we all need.
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Election 2020
#23: November 04, 2020, 03:06:47 PM
We have had threads that have been much more contentious on HS and we have had threads that have discussed a wide variety of topics that don't pertain to MLC.

The posts have been respectful.

Sometimes we can learn a lot by hearing another person's point of view when it is done in a respectful manner.

I don't see the need to lock this thread. As with any other issue, people are free to read or comment or not.

LBS_Less started this discussion thread in a polite and non judgmental manner.

HS is made up of people from many countries around the world, not just Americans. Their views and our views can be helpful in explaining some of what is happening in this country.

To lock this topic seems to me to be a sort of censorship, not exactly what democracy is about.

Just my view.
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Re: Election 2020
#24: November 04, 2020, 03:47:46 PM
In the spirit of the original post,

Yesterday I poured a mint julep about three minutes after I woke up. I took my libation outside and sat in the yard with my dog and just started election day in an altogether different way than I had four years ago or any other time.

I voted sometime that afternoon without having topped up or fixed another drink. I had said to D before I left, though, that what I really wanted was to get the vote taken care off, then come home and have a shot, some salty crunchy anxiety-relieving snack, and then just nestle in and watch Treme until the results were in.

;) I’m actually too girly for a shot of bourbon, so I didn’t do that. I did the other stuff though and I like how that’s working for me.

No matter where we are or what we believe in, this year has been such a wild ride. So we just be good together, I figure, and notice where it isn’t the vote or result that counts as much as all the life and ordinary small moments around us do.

Today D had one class and afterward we both just chilled out in our respective spaces. She occasionally called out new news, or something to laugh at.

I pondered canvases and looked into which states allow pet skunks legally. Then came outside periodically and sat listening to hummingbirds as they came in for a look and flew by.

Otherwise, this was on rotation several times today, released about a week after the USA elections in 1992:

Because no matter what, we’re cool like dat.
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Election 2020
#25: November 04, 2020, 04:00:42 PM
Interesting to watch... I just find it difficult to swallow that whoever is voted in will influence the country I live in too!

I find the American Electoral process difficult to understand, although we have reporters here in Brazil who are willing to explain it.  :)

I have expressed this before, I think that due to the influence America has on the rest of the world - the whole world should be allowed to have an opinion ;D

Good luck fellow Americans! Just don't let politics separate you as a people - we have been through this here in Brazil, families split down the middle, neighbors on warring sides, lifelong friendships destroyed over politics...

The world needs a healthy America, a prosperous and generous nation, friendly and respectful of its fellow nations in the world, setting an example of democracy, freedom and sustainable development.
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Re: Election 2020
#26: November 04, 2020, 07:28:12 PM
"I don't see the need to lock this thread. As with any other issue, people are free to read or comment or not."

I agree xyzcf.....

Mego....that sounds pretty bitter to me.
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« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 07:31:21 PM by Thunder »
A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Election 2020
#27: November 05, 2020, 04:16:08 AM
Good luck fellow Americans! Just don't let politics separate you as a people - we have been through this here in Brazil, families split down the middle, neighbors on warring sides, lifelong friendships destroyed over politics...

I wish I could say that it wasn't already too late..... There is SO much vitriol and hared on both sides. No one is willing to listen to the other side about ANYTHING and, even if it was a good idea, because "they" presented it, it must be denigrated and shot down....

The world needs a healthy America, a prosperous and generous nation, friendly and respectful of its fellow nations in the world, setting an example of democracy, freedom and sustainable development.

This describes the America of the 60's/70's/even the 80's and early 90's..... Not any more .... The US is a dysfunctional nation, incapable of looking beyond it's own belly-button toward the world at large. On every second street corner is some kook screaming about how the "globalist elites" are coming to take away their guns, their freedoms, and to serve up their babies in a sauce.... It is VERY disheartening for some one like me, a US citizen, who dedicated 10 years of his life to serving in the US military to protect and guard the freedoms that the US enjoys to see those freedoms destroyed from within by greed, power plays, and outright narcissism.....

Jimmy Fallon had a good take on this election.... He said it is "like waking up with a hangover and realizing that you are still in the bar."
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« Last Edit: November 05, 2020, 04:18:21 AM by UrsaMajor »
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Election 2020
#28: November 05, 2020, 04:44:52 AM

It is VERY disheartening for some one like me, a US citizen, who dedicated 10 years of his life to serving in the US military to protect and guard the freedoms that the US enjoys to see those freedoms destroyed from within by greed, power plays, and outright narcissism.....

“A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
- King Richard III from William Shakespeare’s play, ‘Richard III.’

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Feb 2015: BD. 
Dec 2017: Seriously reconnecting

H never left home.

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Election 2020
#29: November 05, 2020, 07:41:55 AM
This describes the America of the 60's/70's/even the 80's and early 90's..... It is VERY disheartening for some one like me, a US citizen, who dedicated 10 years of his life to serving in the US military to protect and guard the freedoms that the US enjoys to see those freedoms destroyed from within by greed, power plays, and outright narcissism.....

First UM  Thank you for your service and to all who have served and are serving. With Nov 11 approaching, let us not ever forget the men and women who have served and fought for our democracy.

This is what gives me hope. Throughout history and in every country, there have been times of chaos and unrest, brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor...yet, out of the turmoil, a leader arises, people decide that this insanity has to stop, people draw together to find a way to resolve the issues that create so much distrust, so much pain for all. I believe in the inherent good of people and that goodness will prevail.

UM when I read your post, I immediately thought of my father. On this thread, we had talked about the effect that one country has upon another......

My dad was a POW during WWII in Japan. A Canadian soldier, a mere 18 years old when he was captured and spent the next 3 1/2 years in captivity. It was US troops that liberated his camp. Initially air dropping chocolate bars and cigarettes into the camp. The US troops brought these soldiers to Guam where they were turned over the Canadian troops to bring home.

Our allies have worked together through many crisis.....the Newfoundlanders who opened their homes to US passengers during 911.....

Let us not forget the years of strong relationships and what is possible.

As John Lennon sang so sweetly in "Imagine"

"You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one"

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