I feel like I have seen ALL of them. In work environments and networks now, I have watched them unfold right in front of my face. These past four or five years, I have really known to steer clear and just remove myself.
Same timeframe, I have also learned to sketch the timeline of any person I remember from my past. I think I have identified no fewer than 25 people who were of a certain age when I was however many years old, and it’s always midlife that explains why the dynamics were what they were and why that person was irascible, inappropriate, and impossible to get along with or like or even just appease.
I had a long-term relationship in my 20s with a guy whose uncles both were adamant about spending time with their nephew and doing all manner of things that were 20-something. It was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen and kind of impossible to move that relationship along properly when these two uncles were always striving to stay young in the middle of us. I saw it a certain way, then, and took it really personally and really badly. Now I just wonder, sometimes, who they might have been on either side of MLC.
I broke up with that boyfriend after many years of it, and I don’t regret that. But in this context I do see that one of the uncles, the one I did like, could have been a really lovely guy now. He died some years ago but I think he did live a loving life.
The biggest wow happened after h moved faraway with ow2, to the state where my parents live.
He was right at the same age my parents were, when they moved there.
That was how I saw that my own mother had had her own MLC. The thing about my mother is that she’s in her mid-70s or something, now, and has never come out of it. She’s restored or corrected relationship with my brother and his family, but my sister and I both are ok keeping distant or staying NC altogether. Something more than MLC going on there, I think, but the MLC decisions and destruction in that particular case caused damage that won’t be corrected.
We laugh sometimes that once you see it and know it for MLC, you see it everywhere. Even in television shows or celebrity lives; even in people at church, or others in our own families. So while all of this is very disorienting and painful, it is also deeply informative.
Just remember, a broken heart is an open heart. We’re better people, and better to other people, all people, as we learn our ways through all of this.
I feel like I could write books and books about the many MLCs I’ve seen, you know? It’s funny how much we don’t know when we are young.
All the pain we all go through, whether LBS or MLC, is a means of leveling up.