Standing, I feel like I need to add, in case you haven't followed much of my thread, that I am getting married again in a little over a month. Even having gone through the single worst experience of my life, I never doubted it was a HIM (the runaway) problem solely....not a "man" problem in general. Every person comes with a unique set of characteristics, traits, values, etc. If life was a one-size-fits-all, it might be easier to understand and cope with, but damn, that would be boring.
Now, what I will say, is that I did date a lot after my D. I saw a lot of what's out there in that dating pool, and it isn't at all pretty by and large. At a certain point, I was just done with it because a very high % of the men I come in contact with came waving huge red flags...everything needy codependent issues, to not having any goals or direction, to not having any financial stability or assets, the list goes on and on. To a woman like me, who was 100% financially stable and gainfully employed, with my own home, my own interests and goals, and liking my own company alone, I certainly wasn't going to waste anymore years than I already had previously, dating or marrying a man who couldn't keep up or wasn't on my level. The stunt my xh pulled only served to help me because I knew definitely going into dating again, all the traits, qualities and characteristics I was NOT going to accept. It helped me treme6 in setting boundaries and keeping my standards high, and if that kept me from finding a partner again, then so be it. Quite frankly, my life after the D has been the best it's ever been. If my new guy hadn't shown me just how genuine and truly amazing he is, I would still be single and happily so. So, I don't think you can just pinpoint one single aspect in what makes women or men act the way they do or make the choices they do.