I am sorry Schratz, it hurts when the thoughts that we have, the hope, the feelings that "if only" do not come to us. We remember different times, when our birthday was celebrated, when they treated us as being special and loved and we were fine, better than fine.
There is a part of my brain that will never give up those memories and somehow I have turned them from thinking that things could be like that again, to being glad that I have the memories of those good times...it's a shift in my way of thinking, it helps to decrease any anxiety I still have over will he/won't he?
I need to accept that it really is over and done with.
This is the hard thing. They were done even before BD and they do not look back...superficially perhaps by tiny gestures that we think mean something. If they get through their crisis, they may still be done and if they get through their crisis and reconnect, the old is over...it is the past....it would require something new to build.
In our hearts, we are "not done"...this is not what we wanted, this is not the way it is supposed to be and so we struggle with that for a very long while.
For me, after many attempts..I understood..he does not want me in his life. He does not include me in his life. I am still "someone" to him but his life is filled with many other people and things that I am not a part of. That door is closed shut.
How hard it is to come to this realization, but in fact, it is the truth in this moment.....in my present day, and for several years, he does not want me in his life.
You will have your own thoughts and feelings about him, as we all do. That is fine..there is no timetable for grief.
I think, I started adding together some very hurtful things that he had been doing and the glass started to overflow and I just came to the realization "enough". Even though he still communicates with me, there is no meaning to his contact with me.
I am sorry, this is your birthday and meant to be a good day, a happy day...and it is spoiled by the hope that he would have texted or emailed with a Happy Birthday wish...I am sorry, because being ignored by one that we loved so deeply is very disturbing.
Steps Schrartz...you keep taking steps forward, try not to look back too often..actually, try not even to look too far ahead....breath, look at nature, surround yourself with people who care about you, who are kind to you.......
I have seen you do this, I have seen you come a very long way...today is a set back...there are many days I "dislike" and I wish these dates did not bother me but they do and always will....their hearts are cold, their inability to respond is any normal way is shattered.....that is the reality of their crisis...and we suffer...but in the end...we are in a better place.
Happy Birthday Schratz....may you remember that you were born for a reason and that you are wonderful, likeable, loveable and appreciated by many many people.