DF fwiw I had similar feelings and on rare occasions I can still feel that way and I am 7+ years out. It does vary with people but I believe it is absolutely normal to have these "moments." We who actually were emotionally present and had formed a bond with our spouses can't just simply "turn the ship around" as the metaphor goes. It takes time. But I will say where I am today and for the past few years my W just doesn't carry that kind of heavy weight and I no longer feel sad and alone as I used to in the first few years.
This sounds like what my coworker told who was also a divorced. She told me it took her 7 years from the time of divorce till she could say she was totally healed and had no more anger, sadness or any negative feelings towards her ex (who also cheated on her).
As for the MLCer my W can have moments where she looks like her old self, even happy. But I have semi regular contact with her, and we talk regularly and she is still stressed, unhappy and searching. I don't believe that their pain and damage just simply can go away.
Somehow it's good to have someone LBS like you who still have contact with their MLCer spouses to have a window of how the MLC spouses are doing years after BD. I don't know how to describe it but maybe somehow it gives me a validation that after all it's not greener on the other side. But I still hope one day, I will get to a point where I could say it doesn't matter to me how the MLCer is doing in life. Only then I could stay I have totally moved on I guess.
I realized that the only times I ever felt safe, I made myself feel that way, it was not from an external source, and a lot of my life was not safe, and that’s why feeling safe with another person is harder for me. I am willing to be extremely open but I need someone who is willing to let me sometimes (not always but especially for big moments) fumble through a lot of tangled confusion to get to the core of what I’m feeling.
I did feel safe with my x. At the time I knew that he would always take my side and protect me. However, the womanizing part I have always doubted me as he already sort of cheated on me at the beginning of our marriage. From the time I discovered the fakebook flirts with his former gf who also was the first run to for him after BD or even before BD, that trust was never 100% anymore. But still he gave me comfort during the marriage and that's why I struggle with being alone because I never had that kind of person within my own family. I was never afraid to talk to him about anything because I know he wouldn't judge me or disregard my feelings.
What changed for me is that I know that bad things do happen and could still happen but that doesn’t change the fact that I can be happy and I can be valued and if anything bad happens after that, it doesn’t negate my value or take away the happy moments that came before. It’s just that life unfolds and different things happen and whatever happens doesn’t wipe out what happened before. So if I have an experience and I’m happy in the moment, then whatever I was happy about has happened and nothing can take it away. I got to experience it. I will grieve its loss if it ends but I still had it and was happy during it. No matter what happens next, I had that happiness. So I really hope that I get to experience that. And I try (not always successfully) to avoid lamenting that I haven’t ever gotten to experience it.
I think it takes a lot of effort and working on ourselves to be able to do this. Changing your mindset, changing your thoughts, that's hard work. I will try to keep this in mind NAS. It does make sense, bad things always happen whether you've been happy or not. Maybe I was just focused so much on the bad things that happened to my life and forgot to look at the good things that came with it. I tend to do this when I feel lonely and down and defeated. And it feels like a domino effect and it's so hard to get out of it at least on the same day.
Somehow I didn't realize that we are on such a similar timeline; I think I'm just a few months ahead of you. I still have moments like that and had one today, in fact. I don't even know why today's happened. It's usually when I go on a trip to somewhere new or experience something new, because XW and I liked to explore. Although that's also true of the last serious girlfriend I had before I met XW, so I don't know why I don't think about the girlfriend as much as XW. I guess because gf and I had key differences that made marriage a no-go, and XW was finally someone I could see being with permanently. I do have friends I hang out with from time to time, but it's just not that same connection.
I have this trigger as well JB. Whenever I go to places whether it's a new place or a place I've been before with my x, I always feel sad and I always long for his presence because we both enjoyed travelling and even though most of the times it was exhausting but I still enjoyed those adventures with him. Not that I don't enjoy travelling with any other person or just even by myself but it's just different, if you know what I mean.
Reinventing, two years since final separation and I still cry but rarely when I am triggered. It still affects me a lot. Sometimes I don't know why I'm crying. I just feel empty at times or I just need that shoulder to lay my head on, that comfort, or those listening ears.
When someone was the person you normally went to, talked to, sought solace from and they aren't there anymore, it's sad. Sometimes there is no one else you can talk about some specific thing with. It leaves me feeling very empty and alone. I suppose a person who has found someone else that is their match would not have this issue, but I have yet to find anyone I trust. Or I have yet to trust myself. Couldn't say which, but it's hard to meet people when you work from home and can't get out much. Point being that you probably miss having SOME one that you can talk to or be with. It really would not have to be your x, but that is still your go to in your mind. Being sad when you feel alone is normal.
This is exactly how I feel when I have those moments. I miss having someone I can talk to and just be honest with without being judged or criticised. My ex was like that. I could tell him everything, my problems, my fears and he would assure me he whatever happens he would always be there for me (in hindsight, how ironic). But I guess I remember that feeling when he was always there for me before BD of course. I grieve for that person. I grieve that company. Grieving is indeed complex.
I could text my x now and tell him I need him. And I believe almost 100% that he would come straight away. But I need to protect myself, I know it wouldn't do me good either. So I feel like he's so near yet so far. I know he's still in that replay stage even though I barely have contact with him. I've learned so much from this experience, and I have become a more independent person but I wished all these things never happened. I wish I didn't lose him to MLC or whatever it was that took him away from me.
Is your question more do people ever stop thinking about their x? It depends on the person and situation. Or are you wondering how long before you stop missing your x? Or are you wondering if the empty space your x left can be filled in should you meet someone else at some time?
I guess my question is if you ever get to a point where what happened doesn't hurt you anymore. But like what everyone said here, it is very individual. I just would like to be in a place where thoughts about my ex don't affect me anymore. Like it would just come but it would not trigger so much emotion anymore. If you know what I mean.
What I realized thought after all these years since BD is that whatever my x did to me, I could not unlove him. How crazy is that. I tried to unlove him, hate him but the hatred is diminishing. However, that love is still there. Now, I only remember the good things we had. I have to work hard to remember the bad things. It's so weird to be in this place.