Journaling (from the other side of MLC?)

Well, I had a moment the other day which was very odd. Kinda slapped me in the face, figured I should share it.
W has been.... well.... good. You know: quiet, "normal", that sorta stuff..... which is nice, don't get me wrong.
About six weeks ago I went on vacation, and came back to a clean house. Nice.
Two weeks ago I was on a different vacation and came back to a super clean kitchen. Very nice.
Very obvious she put some work into both. Some for her of course, but I get the feeling it was mostly for me. Her way of "helping" and showing whatever it is she's trying to show.
Well, the other night I had casually mentioned that the birds were being difficult and not wanting to go to bed. Later on I went downstairs to take care of them like I do every night..... and they had been covered and put to bed. Wow. It's a small thing, but it's been years..... you know?
She had also put things away in the kitchen after I had cooked, and thrown trash away...... I do all the cooking, and..... MLC..... I do all the cleaning, and take care of everything..... but not this night. It was, well, it was weird!!! At first my reaction was defensive: "Why did she do this? What I can't do it right?" HAHAHAHAHAHA..... and almost instantly I realized..... she was helping. Confused I thought "What? Helping? Why?"...... and then I slowly remembered: "Oh yeah, that's what people do for each other"....... an even a stranger sensation as this crossed my mind.
I felt I should mention it because (at least in my case) I've become so independent, and everything has been so one-way for so long..... I couldn't remember what it was like to have someone do something nice, and not point it out, not want something in return, not throw it in my face. Just something done, and that was it. Consideration. Genuine consideration. SUPER WEIRD!!! I can't even say I liked it...... it's just so darn WEIRD.
But it does make me understand something, experience something I've never understood until now - and I'm very thankful to see it.
You know when you do something for someone - a co-worker, a stranger, a homeless person...... someone...... doing something nice and not want anything in return, and they look at you with suspicion, with pause, and wonder what it is you really want..... and then slowly realize you want nothing as you depart. Now I get to see what that is like.... even if just for a moment, over something very trivial. It does make me wonder for a moment.
I can also see how my life has been devoid of such things. Kindness always seemingly in short supply and always in great need with just about everyone - it's always been my place to generate it, and hand it out. I'm not short of it, because I can make it: thus I've never needed to receive it. When you have something in abundance, it seems to have less value because it's so easy to take for granted, even when you know it has worth. How strange to be both rich and poor all at the same time in that material.
Such a wonderful thing to receive kindness. I can vagally remember what life was like when W and I traded it with regularity. It seems like so long ago..... I guess it was.
Just the musing of me.

One day at a time,