I know this may sound harsh, but it is unlikely he is thinking about your actions at the moment. Having taken a sledge hammer to his life, he is likely in high action mode, riding the wave of this energy toward, what Treasur calls, his Magic Happy. This seems to be common in the early days of MLC, the cold behaviours (see the title of my first post
), the complete disregard of the formerly precious spouse. It is truly bewildering and disorientating (I literally felt like the ground gave way beneath my feet), but if you think about it, it's completely nuts. IMO, it is one of the clearest signs of some sort of breakdown. But he is trying to outrun it and in this state, he has nothing to give you. He cannot support you, even if he wanted to do. Things will change, that is a given, but for now, you must listen to your body. I say body, because this is your emergency survival (fight, flight etc) reaction. It is probably you most reliable friend at the moment, so keep listening to it. Your body says 'get distance' and you did that, and it is likely what you need most at the moment. A safe space to breath. Try to trust yourself, your instincts seem pretty good. And, as others have said, you may want to lean in (on) some close friends and family for a while. You'll be surprised of the love that comes back when you ask for some help.