Thanks Evermore, The Script is real. It's uncanny. These MLCers really are in La-La Land. My H is known for constantly thinking outside the box but this is one occasion where he really isn't. The bit you accidentally quoted is spot on. I think that's exactly what happened to us. Arrival of new baby shone a spotlight on all his FOO. I clearly remember the day I saw all the trauma hit home and me thinking something along the lines of 'uh-oh' (but more sweary). That was almost 7 years ago. Dunno if that's classed as a BD? Either way, there's been a steady decline in H's mental health and ability to cope with anything. The pandemic put a stop to any cpoing mechanisms he did have. Meh.
Biscuit, I've had the Gwyneth and Chris Martin comparison thrown at me too! Unfortunately I think OW is even more of a fantasist than H is...
RTFMF, I've had 'I love you both' too! You're right that OW is not a part of my life (thank goodness!). As she lives so far away, H has to schedule in his rendez-vous in our shared diary so I pretty much know how often they see each other - every 3 to 4 weeks. I really wonder what the point is? All this hurt and he actually getting less physical intimacy than when he thought he 'wasn't getting any' with me! It really makes no sense and shows what a fantasy/escapism it really is. He wanted to 'discuss' the last date he put in the diary and to know if it was ok with me... I simply said 'It is what it is' and went back to what I was doing. It's not like he'll suddely change his mind because I don't like it! He's been reaching out for hugs an reassuranace ever since (I'm being cool but polite). She's taken to sending him little gifts in the post. Territorial p*ssing, much? They're just filling up a drawer!
I guess a hard bit is that we live in the middle of nowhere and both work from home. I've been making myself scarce and doing my own thing, not enquiring about his day (although as soon as anything good/exciting happens he comes to find me and bounds up to me like a little puppy wanting to share his news. I smile nicely and say 'well done' and resist the urge to pat him on the head) and trying not to 'fix' things. I go out with friends more (he doesn't get the details) and we've got enough space that I can avoid him during work hours.
So for me GALing is a lot of self care and stepping away from his crazy. After his last diary entry, I made sure I had a nice long, pampering shower, deep conditioned my hair and used his razor to shave my legs
Is this what a clinging boomerang looks like?