It's all fluff and no stuff.
Have to say I agree that I don’t see loving behaviours either. I see selfishness, self pity, spite, maybe neediness, manipulation.
In my world, people who love me - even people who like me actually - don’t threaten me or intentionally hurt me.
Idk your own FOO history, but it might be worth considering what love looks like to you and why.
And if you could imagine any circumstance in an infinite universe where you would treat your very small children and a baby as he is doing. If not, that tells you at a basic level that, put simply, his version of love - whatever it is - is not the same as your version.
His words seem to me to be about control or self pity and rather patronising.
His actions seem to me to be about profound self-centredness and lack of protective care.
And of course, practically speaking, he left you all, has an ow, had a tantrum and did not show care about yhe birth of your baby and is not a present reliable parent. I’m so sorry, bc that truly sucks to say and hear, but it is factually true, isn’t it?
And now he has filed.
Depression or not, that’s a significant choice imho that changes the landscape and changes your obligations towards him.
You have time to figure out what you want to do with any conclusions you reach.
I’m glad that you have a couple of splendid male posters’ thoughts too so you can see that it isn’t just a female perspective on a man that does this to a pregnant wife.
My advice fwiw is that it will be easier for you to think about what is best for you and the kids if you spend less time interacting with him….it keeps your own mental decks clear, if that makes sense. I understand that this might seem difficult at first but it is possible. As ready says, when he comes over on Wednesdays, say hello, hand over the kids and get yourself busy elsewhere or doing something else. lol, you could see it as free laundry time even bc I bet you have a ton of laundry with so many small kids! Or make it your regular grocery shopping hour bc, as you know, trailing small kids round a supermarket is not a joy
I don’t know if you have taken legal advice but you should.
If only bc it might help you evolve towards a new more formalised way to do visitation that does not mean it happening in your house or under your nose. I can see that you are already exploring that with the overnights etc….good, your home is no longer HIS home. I’d just ignore the ‘miss my family’ texts bc it is pointless BS and not what his actions show. Blah, blah, blah.
Imho don’t let him ‘lead’ anything important wrt your life and home. Partly bc he’s an a$$hat who does not deserve to lead anything more than his own poop. Mostly bc the reality of divorce means two separate households. Good on you for going out for a drive.
Learn to inform not ask, or to ask but not expect.
Build a back up support system for the future when the kids are with you that does not require him except in a life threatening emergency.
Start seeing yourself as a single parent for most of the time and experiment with ways to do that, hard as it is.
Learn to use good solid boundaries on what is his business in your life and what is not as an ex-husband and non resident parent. Bc I suspect he won’t. As KayDee says there is no We in this. And not much We after the divorce he chose, even as parents. There is Me plus kids and You plus kids with a tiny bit of the Venn diagram intersecting. His choice. And to be fair a legal divorce probably makes that easier to see in practice. But I’d start treating him like an ex-husband now already. His opinion of your redecoration? Blah blah, not his house. Or wanting to spend more time at YOUR home? Blah blah, he shouldn’t have left then, not your problem to make better.
And don’t trip yourself into mentally giving him father of the year ‘b!tc# cookies’ for doing the bare minimum parenting either.
If you're lucky, you can Co-parent to some degree, unless he’s a complete f**kwit, but the reality is I imagine that you will be the primary parent and you and your kids will build a new kind of family where he pops up occasionally to be Disney Dad for a couple of days. And if you are feeling a bit jaded lol, take some comfort in the fact that ow is going to find that four small kids occasionally being around rather squeezes the juice out of those romantic moments
(although is it ok if I hate her a bit on your behalf? You have to be a special PoS as a woman to do what she’s done with small kids and a baby involved imho)
You are doing so well, even if you think you are not.
Let it unfold and keep going.
And let yourself slowly begin to see and try out different ways of living that please you. I suspect - although it might not feel like it right now - that you may find you have a lighter load having just four kids rather than the extra large demanding fifth one too!
And tbh, if he is using divorce as a threat to try to put you back in whatever box he is trying to keep you in, the easiest way to neutralise that threat is to be less afraid of divorce. Getting more information can help you see the possible benefits as well as the disadvantages, or at least help you accept it as a possibility that may be beyond your control, and that you will survive it if it does. Like looking at the bogey man under the bed lol. So you can reach a point where the threat does not work anymore and you can say something like ‘I’m sorry you feel that way and that wouldn’t be my first choice, but if that’s what you want to do, fill your boots….let me know the contact details for your lawyer and I’ll pass them on to my lawyer’. And then walk away. Sounds like that is about where you are?
Put simply, it is not your job to unleash punishment for his actions but it is absolutely not your job to protect him from the entirely predictable consequences of his own actions either. Your h is firing you as his wife and life team….so it’s ok to lay down those responsibilities and let him figure out how to deal with his own consequences without your involvement. Or not. Let him take his sadz elsewhere. Tbh that is what detachment really means, just takes a bit of time to get there….you don’t wish him ill, you just reach a point of shrugging your shoulders. And let him shove his well dones or opinions about your life now where the sun don’t shine bc divorcd means that’s no longer his job either, grrr.
Try not to be too scared about divorce. There’s no shame in it, or if there is, it isn’t your shame to carry. No one can clap one-handed
None of us here wanted it, but we have survived regardless. There is a good peaceful life to be found on the other side of this, even if it turns out to be a different one than you’d planned.
And being married to someone who behaves like these folks behave is not a delightful walk in the park either, is it?