First of all may I say, honour, that you have an excellent take on this. Well done; I can see that it serves you well.
But back to the child-like thing, or the glass-half-full thing. We're often told that we need to be glass-half-full people; I found it interesting the thought that glass-half-full people see the world idealisticallly, hence become more disappointed when things go wrong.
Of course my own perspective -- because one of the things I was told was that I wasn't that optimistic person, and that H wanted to be. I've often thought that because he never had anything go badly wrong in life that he fell harder when this hit. He even once mentioned that himself, in one of those moments of clarity. But he has blasted me for saying that life was a series of difficulties to be navigated, or something to that effect. He wanted to live only the light bits.
In a recent moment of clarity (quickly quashed by H himself) he did say that it was easier to just go away rather than to deal with certain things that we have had happen in life. Again, to a life he can control, where it is all just good and light-hearted.
Regarding the new age thing; well, certain new age philosophies played a role in my sitch, also at the time convincing H that he needed to go. But it is much more avoidance, and looking for something to fill the void, rather than what I could call self-actualisation. And empathy for anyone else doesn't even get a look in.