The term you are looking for is "Emotionally bonded" which is what the MLC affair always seems to be..... mine also claims "It's not like that!" When I say "You f'd her this weekend, cuz that's what you do!" He HATES that I "describe" the act...... says "Why do you do that? I hate it! It sounds so gross!!" and I say "Because that is the TRUTH... this is NOT a movie, and it's not just going to go away.... you put your part A into her part B until one of you cries "uncle" and it IS gross, but it's the ACTUAL TRUTH!!"
No description from him of what it "is like" (regarding his declaration that "it's not like that!". It would interesting to find out. He did say once that he goes there to "feel free".... which I gather means free of responsibilities.... like, when he's there, he's not in his REAL life, so he can pretend to himself that he doesn't have kids, no bills, no in-laws, etc..... I guess he can just melt into HER life, her friends, her kid, her problems and his magically disappear. That is my supposition...
When he's with us, he has to face all of his unhappiness with how his life isn't perfect and he doesn't make enough money and we don't have a nice house any more and college is looming for our son and we're getting older... I guess OW at 29 still has her life ahead of her, and if she weren't the actual person she is, would still have time to turn her life completely around.... time to save for retirement... time to go back to school for a better job.... time for more kids....time to buy a house.... but she will never have or do those things.... it's her youth that is his fantasy. He has said that he thinks it is her youth that attracts him, cuz he doesn't like her looks, personality, tone of voice, cooking (when she deigns to cook, that is) or her family, mind or opinions!
In another breath he tells me that "Just so you know, youth isn't everything....and she's super immature.... "
Her head must spin when he's there..... he claims he lies more to her now than he does to me....
YAY!! I WIN!! I've washed my hands of their relationship..... tired of protesting against it, as I have NO influence on whether he can stop it or not... he will when he's ready and able and not a moment sooner.