At BD, my H told me that he was sick of the same old thing. He brought up church as an example and said, "I may never go to church again. Don't know." (He kept going a few months after that and then quit.) He made it sound like the only reason was he'd grown tired of the same-ness of our life together. Then later on in July, when he had a Monster spew of epic proportions against me, he mocked and ridiculed everything about God, and was so angry at God and me both. He blamed God for letting his grandfather die. It had happened back in 1993 but hearing him talk, it was like the wounds were fresh. He had reacquainted himself with some old school chums and many (if not all) are apathetic, are agnostic or are atheistic and my gut tells me this is no coincidence. About a month or so ago, my H mentioned he'd wanted to go back to church with me but has not mentioned it since, and makes no effort to go with me now. I get sad about that. I do miss him going.
Patience is the weapon that forces deception to reveal itself.