I think that the bottom line is that timing matters. We here of course identify with your wife as we know first hand the devastation of being the LBS. I can honestly say it was the most painful experience of my life- it emotionally and physically flattened me. Do the ends justify the means? I could only agree if somehow you could undo the pain and loss of time that being a LBS leads to.
I have come out of the valley of sad, have maintained my LBS weight loss- one of the crazy silver linings, and have found an inner strength was heretofore untapped. I suppose that it is also a silver lining to know that that inner strength is there. I would have happily toodled along without discovering that in the LBS way.
I think that your postings only confirm the wayward spouses´focus on self to the detriment of their families. It is unfortunate that your wife did not choose the path of counseling. Though you are not religious, I do hope you believe in the Golden Rule. I also think that your postings here confirm the human tendency to rationalize behaviors and please understand that I think all humans do this, whether MLC, LBS or just existing in the "real" world.
Good luck to you. May you have learned some life lessons so that you may cherish Anna to the end. Maybe in some weird karmic way, the love you give to her will make its way back to your ex and in some way complete the circle.