Thank you XYZF and everyone else who replied. I woke up with a really bad tension headache. H wrote e-mail that he felt overwhelmed too....too much talk about emotions, as we have had 3, 2 hour sessions to do that now, which has been huge, but enough. H wrote e-mail to me today to say he felt same way, and then wrote, Care about you which he has written twice before.
At the first session, I finally had a chance to tell him how much he hurt me 2 1/2 years ago, and he did apologize and I told him I forgave him.
He spent Chrismas Day with myself and the boys. We are getting along, he looks depressed, never smiles, and is still with OW.
So, because I am 99% sure this is is my question to those with experience: mediator wants H and I to commit to go for coffee and discuss how we want to move ahead with the boys.......they are pitted in here to where they grew up; friends are here, etc. H wants to come over more.....not just when I am here....wants to come when I work eves and be here with the boys, help out with housework, etc. Now, any other situation, my boundaries would say "no"....I do not want to let him have his cake and eat it too, but expecting the boys to go there for weekends, etc. with her and her 2 sons there.....I do not like it. What should I allow, and what is best?
I am off to work, and will be meeting my H next Tues. to discuss, and then meet with mediator Thurs.......but we will both tell her we want to talk division of assets and $ etc, and care of the boys.....they are 15,17 and 19.
Thanks, and God Bless