WillitgetBetter, YES IT WILL GET BETTER...Mine was gone a whole 2 miles across town for what seemed like forever. Then he would just run in and out of our lives without really having a personality except scared......Give it time...can you rescind the divorce paperwork
I kind of act around my H like he's still m H (teenaged brain) who cheated ran and took some furniture. I act like I know a secret.
The mos flew by and now 11 mos post BD festivities he doesn't ask for Ds to be aound ow ever.
(they met her once to go ice skating and found out her whole life story. It's bad) He acts like he's gonna ask me to go to the prom.
A few times I sent a card etc that said things like "I know you are going thru something and I know you can get through it. I trust you can. I love you unconditionally but I'm not sure that you know what that means." Give space...smile and be the best you and do new things. Do things you want to do and never had time. He'll be watching. It' true what StillStanding and others have said "OW symptom. She'll be her own undoing. He'll realize it ..in time." I can not believe the difference in my H one year since BD> Totally different. The duct tape over my mouth so I could just listen has been my best 180. Keep reading the articles. Especially the Self Focus Articles...unconditionals.....we need to practice like we play