I'm calmer, much less reactive
I'm learning Spanish
I'm running a half marathon this weekend
I'm vegetarian now, and happy in that
Thinner, fitter
I sing and play guitar at mass in front of a couple of hundred people each week
I'm even closer to my sons - we play soccer, rock climb, swim, cycle, travel, board games, talk
Closer to my brothers, my dad
My skills are growing at work, my management is encouraging me
My home is in my name, I'm painting the rooms - the kid's rooms look great
Best ever crop of tomatoes this summer
I have goals for the next year - travel, work, a new car maybe, projects
I need to work on trust - especially in believing in relationships, and understanding what women need/want from them. Understanding or believing if I am able to give that. I feel empty in that at the moment. But at least I recognize it - and when the time comes, I can sort through it.
Thanks for helping me write that down.