I felt uncomfortable, too, reading this list. All of these statements have come out of my H's mouth, in one form or another, over the past two years!
Each of us has to make moral choices, i.e. choices that affect the happiness, security, well-being of ourselves and others. As humans we can't escape that.
We make choices compatible with what's going on in our lives at the time. The reason some people stay in jobs they don't like, work hard, repress feelings, etc. is because they want what those choices give their lives at the time: physical safety, the option of marrying and having children, the option to purchase things that enhance their life, money for their children to go to college, health insurance, security to buy a house, social access/prestige, the ability to travel, avoidance of the pain of conflict in relationships and on and on and on. To regret that we had to make those choices is to forget, it seems to me, that the choices were unavoidable. Everything in life has a "price." Limitation is part of being human. It can't be avoided.
As to work, I wonder if the regret is not in having worked too hard but in having not worked at what they wanted to do. I know people, we all do, who are in love with their work and can't wait to get to it every day. Two of my older siblings are very hard working college professors, one retired (who continues to find opportunities to teach and is still publishing) one still working, and they absolutely love what they do. Their work, to them, is a kind of ministry. I am certain they will not say on their death beds that they wished they hadn't worked so hard.
The challenge, it seems to me, is not to "settle" for work that isn't deeply meaningful to oneself. This is VERY DIFFICULT to do and most people are unwilling, incapable, or ignorant of how to do it.
Many people allow themselves to fall into an occupation, or train for a profession (business, medicine, law, etc.) without really understanding what they're getting into and then feel "stuck," and are afraid to take the risk of changing jobs/careers/professions, etc. Many people make the choice to stay in a particular geographic location which limits their work options. To put it bluntly, living consciously requires work (doing research, taking risks, learning everything you can, thinking, meditating, praying, "checking in" with yourself) And it must be done regularly (daily, monthly, yearly). And it requires making choices. Choice, for human beings, can't be avoided. And all choices have consequences.
I wonder if what all these wishes are really expressing is: I wish I hadn't been so fearful. I wish I hadn't been so unconscious. I wish I hadn't been so emotionally lazy. I wish I had thought more about what I wanted. I wish I had taken the time to figure out what was important to me. I wish I had realized just how short life is.
M 40 yrs.
BD 1/11
Began living with OW 1/11
Divorce final 8/13
Ex married OW 6/15
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me.