Hi anne ;, believe me I never dealt with my h this way. This man doesn't know me either.
Difference here was I was acting in a professional capacity with no emotional attachment, so could see cleaer.
And of curse that what all this is about "depression" bourne out of internal issues. So yes it stands to reason crsis/transition depression all have similarities.
However, having lived with the script for 3 years and also witnessed a normal depression many times at work, what struck me was the language used.
As for ow, would anyone want to tell the person they love most things they found shameful. Ow fits the bill because they think they will find someone who knows their "truth" from the start. We know different. The risk is higher here.
Well, I am an every cloud type and if nothing else h has made me better at my job!
Relax - they have a Karma bus ticket to ride.