I saw the Kings Speech a couple of weeks ago.... LOVED IT! Best movie I have seen in a couple of years.
The reason I can bang heads and say the things I say, because I know something you girls don't know. I have been there and back again. I LOVE the outcome. I like ME, in a way I never have in my whole life. I enjoy life in a way I never have in the past. All those sayings etc. that you were raised with, that we all mock.... "Life is What You Make It", "Silver Lining Behind Every Cloud", "This will make you or break", lalalala, blah, blah... THEY ARE TRUE!
Surviving this crap, coming out still loving who you are, your children, your family, everything about life, is a real BUZZ. It's the best HIGH ever. Fear is something of the past because you know things really DO WORK OUT FOR THE BEST. All that worrying is for not. There is nothing you can do about so many things in your life and you recognize those so much quicker then you did before, not even getting a tingle of fear, is uplifting.
I feel you girls are on the "threshold" of this discovery and I am waiting for you. All of you, very patiently I might add. I toss in the odd incentive to keep you on the path.
Wonderful meeting people like you folk. You see, that is something I would have missed, if it had not been for this horrendous experience. Naaaa, I don't wish this undone, it's been the best experience of my life, certainly wouldn't have wished for it, but its how my life went down. No regrets!
hugs Stayed