Absolutely, LG, my MIL stich is very common for her age. I think so, FIL was a womanizer because society enabled it. Womanizers still exist and marry but now people don’t see it has a normal or acceptable thing. FIL OW (the permanent one) is much younger than MIL, but older than myself. Not sure how old she is, early to mid 50’s maybe…What is strange is that FIL OW is a highly cultured woman, an intellectual and a scholar. MIL was a stay at home wife. What on earth was a woman like FIL OW doing with a married man baffles me. She would had not have trouble having a man of her own. Why stay with a married man that keep cheating on her?... I have no idea.
Yes, what the LBS does during MIL may seem similar but I have never saw any LBS here packing her husband suitcase for the weekend or days spend with OW or ironing husband’s shirts when he was going to be with OW. None of us here shuts up or is scared to put her foot down. Our husbands want to have a life with OW? Well, go have it but we are not going to baby sit them. My MIL did it to FIL. I really hit the roof with the packing the suitcase and ironing the shirts when he was going to be with OW. MIL was his maid, OW the one taken to the theatre, receptions, cinema, you name it. It made no sense to me at all. But, I think many women my MIL age have done what she has.
Sadly, I think you may be right LG, the MLCer will become very the much the parent who have harmed them the most. Your FIl was way worst than mine. Mine did not abandon, in the sense of going away, nor has stop providing for them financially. If anything, at times he hyper-compensate with money. Women of your MIL and my MIL trying to adopt a baby their husband had with another woman was also very common. I think MLCers and womanizers don’t respect themselves so they run and run and run. Or try to use money or fancy presents instead.
OW1 could not be equivalent of FIL OW but OW2, in some things, can. No, she is not a scholar or highly educated but I call her my husband’s “Y” (FIL OW). For the record, after FIL was finally divorced he lived a few years with OW and a couple of years ago or so they have separated. OW moved to a city near by, FIL to a non continental part of our country. I suspect FIL has a new woman, a younger one but that is just me guessing from some things in FIL Facebook.
How do you think men like my husband and yours, that had turned what they detested and had hurt them so much, and, then done it worst to us, can solve their crisis/issues, heal, reproach us (or let us go for good)? Will they ever be able to figure out what they have become and deal with it and all the loss and damage they caused? I know I would find it very hard to deal with and may prefer to keep clubbing or drinking. But a day will come when one has a glimpse of sobriety or sees what a wreck we have become.
Agree, one should end one relationship before starting another. May I ask how do you now look back to the time you were falling in love with your current husband? Do you think you weren’t fair with your first husband? How do you think your falling in love with your current husband while still married to your first one is different than our MLCers “falling in love” with OW/OM?
Again, you may be right, male MLCers mau not feel married while in MLC. Mine never said it like that, just that he “had left”. Meaning, he had left, what was the problem of having OW? Well… OW1 started months before he left and he never felt unmarried while he was at home. With OW2 I can get he no longer feels married. I don’t feel married so, I get it. But husband is the one who has been filing for divorce like there is no tomorrow, so it must be important for him to divorce, right? Probably not since he drags forever.
If they don’t feel married it should be irrelevant for them to be divorced but it seems to be the opposite. Also, it should not matter that we were free to do as we please. Yet, they don’t allow for it. Funny little scared and fearful creatures. Are they scared that, if we are divorced, we marry someone else and they are left to rotten with OW? Male MLCers seem to be too possessive for someone who does not feel married. Or is it because while remaining married they think they are in control of their wife and feel powerful?
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)