I'm going to digress from the current discussion for a moment to go back to what was being talked about earlier, that female MLCers do this because they've felt that they've looked after everyone else and now it is their turn, while men have different reasons.....
Actually, one of the things that my MLCer has said, at least in the beginning, is "what about me?" It's like he is more like the females in that respect.... it's like he feels that he's done what has been expected, and now he's entitled (yes, that is there) to do what he wants.
About 6 months after BD he said that what he liked about his new life was that he could come home from work and do whatever he liked, rather than what he had to do. Even now he still seems to resent the fact that he has to be responsible, if only financially, for us.
Now he's cycled all over the place since then, but as this is a discussion on the differences (or similarities?) between male and female MLCers, I thought I'd throw that in.