Mine's moved through different types. He was a clinger (live-in for several years) through probably two months after BD #2, then went to more boomerang behavior (still with regular contact). Over the summer he was more off-and-on, but it remains to be seen where it's at now. I've been a month NC (this hasn't been all that rare since summer), but the D has been initiated within that, so I'm not ruling out vanishing in the near future.
Having said that, the one consistent thing is that he is in replay, and until he isn't, there is no prediction on what the future holds. I've seen enough people on here have vanishers that suddenly started making contact for no reason to believe the type doesn't matter, but the difference seems to be the LBS. With a clinger you can be in constant assessment, and thus have more of a connection to justify standing, and there are times I think I'd want that, but then I remember that pretty much all of the emotional problems I'm dealing with now sprung from that, so the detachment an O-a-O and vanisher provides is almost essential for healing (for me at least).