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How has MLC changed your spouse's job?

It's still stable - only our marriage and family have been affected by MLC.
11 (21.2%)
It's stable, but probably because we run it together/they have a partner and I'm/they're picking up the slack.
3 (5.8%)
They have changed careers during MLC, but still continue to be successful.
11 (21.2%)
They are on shaky ground at the job they had prior to MLC.
5 (9.6%)
They have changed jobs or career paths at least once during MLC, and things are unstable.
16 (30.8%)
They aren't working at all.
6 (11.5%)

Total Members Voted: 52

Author Topic: Discussion How has MLC changed your spouse's job?

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Discussion Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#10: February 09, 2013, 01:10:07 AM
Far as I know, same well-paying respectful job with slightly modified responsibilities when he'd finally had enough of certain projects. He complained bitterly about his job before he left, didn't see how he could possibly work another 10 or 15 years because his back hurt so much. And that new guy--why, he thinks his $hit doesn't stink, always so critical, etc. He thought about getting licensed in the state that OW was living in, but realized he'd give up seniority and vacation time (not sure how much he thought about leaving the kids--he didn't mention them in his reasons for not moving.) So OW moved here, instead, since she has no real career, no kids, nothing.

The dude is grouchy, I do know that. Miserable, humorless, and all.

Would not be good to be him.

He used to get angry when I'd tell the kids to respect him for working at a job he doesn't like--shows how responsible he is. (HAH!)

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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#11: February 09, 2013, 01:37:40 AM
This time three years ago He was  a full time contractor in IT.  then his business failed. he took a full time job around his bankruptcy and then after 3 months had to leave. he then immersed himself in an  acting  course no pay , training, making theatre.  did the odd job  minimum wage. came to a realisation that the acting industry means that to have any money you have to do a lot of commercial work get an agent etc etc.
He has started working in IT and last week took a permanent job in the city.
I say unstable because my h has a lot of issues around money/work/providing.
we have lived together as man and wife for only two months in the last two years (bd1 was two years ago today) after a brief reconciliation in Summer 2011.
this is interesting !
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'Never allow someone to be your priority while you're just their option.' (Anonymous)

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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#12: February 09, 2013, 02:18:26 AM
My h left his job, his well paid job, to do 'something he has always wanted to do'. He has had four jobs since he left 2.5 years ago, 3 self/employed and 1 employed. Now he has done a course to go back to the one he left 2 1/2 years ago. So I chose the many jobs and still unstable.

I do think his job thing is an ongoing thing as when he was 16 his dad made him go to do that job and he did not want to do it, so I think until he goes back and does what he actually wanted to do then, I don't think ge will change. Hexwas like that when we were together. Over 13 years before BD, he had had 8 different changes in jobs, some similar, 2 s/emoployed and one complete change and at least three different types of courses for career change. Defo not happy with his job but I don't think he has been since he was 16, parents fault there.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#13: February 09, 2013, 05:17:44 AM
I didn't vote.  Nothing really "fit."

My H is still at the job he had before he left.  The job he hated.  The job he hates still.

Occasionally, he will send me an email complaining about the current conditions there.  One of the last times we spoke on the phone...he went on and on about how awful it is there.

I have no idea how he is doing at his job.  He did mention a while back that he had asked for a raise (the company does NOT give increases, unless pressured by the employee) - and his boss had responded that he would not get any more $$ until he started getting more work done.  I'm surprised that he even shared that with me....but I guess he thought it was another example of how crappy his job was.  I think it was an example of what type of employee he has turned into,  during his crisis.

None of the options on the poll really fit.

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M -62,  ExH - 69 (56 at BD)
M - 33 years (do the last 3 years count?)
D - 33, D -29, S - 29
BD 5/29/2010, Ran away from home - 8/15/2010,
Found out about affair - 2/11
H asks for divorce - 8/11
H filed for divorce 10/11
Announced "new" girlfriend 12/12 (3rd OW)
Divorce final 06/13 (I decided to finish it)
Dumped OW#3 9/15 (After 4 years)
Married OW#1 2019
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#14: February 09, 2013, 07:27:05 AM
My H is similar to Limitless - still at the job he has been complaining about since not too long pre-BD.  I don't think things are going swimmingly though as far as how well he is able to do the job though.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#15: February 09, 2013, 07:38:45 AM
I voted that my wife's job was stable, but she was actually laid off at the end of November. But it had nothing to do with her: her company had plans to move customer service and shipping out-of-state, and they finally laid off the people who worked here (some of them for 15+ years; my wife was one of the most recent hires in her department, and she'd been there for 12).

Now she's unemployed and looking for work. She is doing short-term jobs like pet sitting and babysitting for extra money, and she has to apply for work in order to stay on unemployment, but she's had no luck so far.

She was unhappy with her job for a while, though; but that was even pre-MLC.
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Me: 45, Her: 40. Married 16 1/2 years, together(-ish) 20.
Status: BD 8/25/09, she moved out 8/28/10. No talk of D.

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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#16: February 09, 2013, 08:13:25 AM
Limitless et al. my h hated his job. (he said) for years I carried guilt about it, for years I tempered my own creative path, for years there was this elephant in the room that my h "should" be acting.
and this mlc has given him the chance to explore that. in conversation before Christmas this year he mentioned he was looking at going back into full time work.
I said please please don't do a job you hate. I now know that if that is what he has done, walked into a job he hates then that is his choice. and if the reverse is true that he likes/wants to do it then that is who he is.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#17: February 09, 2013, 03:36:00 PM
Interesting topic Ready2

Mr B was fired from his permanent job back in 2005.  He hated this job but, in true passive-aggressive style, would not just leave.  He was given a disciplinary hearing and he argued over it - it became his life.  It was kind of embarrassing how long he drew it out - recording meetings with HR until he finally got frog-marched off the premises.  I think this was the start of his MLC.

Then he went contracting.  As his most recent contract was coming to an end, in summer 2012, his timekeeping was exceptionally poor, he often would "work from home" (pinning stuff on Pinterest), he couldn't concentrate and he was getting irritated with one female colleague in particular (a poor creature who follows him around on FB - it would not surprise me to learn that he's slept with her). 

Mr B has ideas for an alternate career, and is capable from a position of having the skills and knowledge, but I think the brain fog will make it difficult for him.  I mean even I'm finding it difficult to get my business moving and I'm not having an MLC.....

:) x
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#18: February 09, 2013, 03:45:06 PM
Mr J remained on his pre-MLC job untill Autumn 2007. Have no idea why he left. Fired? Resigned? Don’t know. When I asked why he was leaving the job all I got was “It is none of your business”.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#19: February 09, 2013, 03:50:02 PM
I didn't vote either as he's not quite on shaky ground either. Having said that, he was on a specialized unit with at least six months left to go before his term was up not too long after BD. He was moved back to the "road" saying that they wanted the more senior guys back on the road  ::). His partner, also a senior guy remained and went onto other units and has recently been accepted onto a unit that husband had wanted to join. During a recent "moment of clarity" or whatever, husband had admitted that he was struggling a bit due to his bad attitude at work.  I can only imagine that he was called on it as he wouldn't have that kind of insight all on his own. At least he didn't blame the bosses for it - at least not to me. Also heard in that same conversation that he really hasn't been in much contact with his good friend and partner, mentioned above, as he had led me to believe. Friend had also distanced himself and husband started to make attempts to reconnect. Don't know what, if anything has come of that.
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