Wed2Him4Ever - I wonder how much he is drinking? Alcohol and caffeine produces will seriously affect the prostate which will directly affect libido/performance. IT IS A BIG DEAL FOR US. Sorry, not meaning to yell but, it is. I went through testosterone testing and up to prostate biopsy not to find anything wrong. I decreased my weight and increased my "water" intake (no thanks to MLC wife, but maybe was a blessing in disguise) and this increased my libido/performance. If I gain back 5-7 lbs. by being relaxed, it affects me. If he is getting his intimacy elsewhere, depending on frequency, this will affect the "number of times" he can perform. Not trying to sugar coat it, just giving my experience. And yes, medications dramatically affect the response of the male. I quit my prostate meds and was able to be better for awhile.
brokenhearted - is there a family history of low T or prostate/colon cancer? Has he seen a urologist regarding this? As mentioned above, the prostate can dramatically affect your H. There are several "cheap" meds that the urologist can put him on to relieve an enlarged prostate and assist otherwise. There is no shame in getting male enhancement drugs...I had to let my ego go on that one as I reached age 40. I also have a family history so I want to be here for my children as long as I can so as to thwart any dangers.
WP - sorry to hear about the loss of interest. Some H want to be wanted sexually. We want to be pursued also. Sometimes with a 2x4 (oh, sorry, that doesn't sound good, let me clarify) they need to be TOLD: "hey, come over here and get me now". We don't READ THE CLUES OR INNUENDOS WELL. If the innuendo is very subtle, you will be disappointed, guaranteed. We also don't like rejection as nobody does. After years in a marriage/relationship, I know that the chase for sex with my wife is not exciting. That is something I have to work on, rejection. After being told "no" in one way shape or form, I will not try again. Then the complaints arise and the why didn't I try harder. Because, I HEARD NO. We can be simple creatures most of the time.
NewBeginnings - wow, what a blow to the ego. Here is the thing after BD, there is some truth that comes out. After my wife threw BD, a few months later I told her that I wanted more and had always. She had no idea and that she always said that I could come to her nearly at any time if she didn't want to. Simple for her to tell me to say (and sorry for the truthfulness): "lay down and let me love you". Sorry. But it goes back to the rejection and wanting to woo my wife into ML instead of just the connection of sex.
faithled - a true doctor would never say that...I am calling BS on loss of love to be loss of libido.
BTW ladies, not to be smack dab honest...IF...your H is taking care of himself...ahem, no need to go further...without OW, alone, bathroom, etc...and it is fairly frequent...this will drop the desire to connect with the wife. Like I said, sorry to be so blunt, if you don't think your H is not taking care of himself on his own...manually (sorry)...then you have now been educated. Even though my W is in MLC...and is probably still communicating or whatever with pos dirtbag OM, or different pondscum OM, or in her crazy talk with maybe wanting to try OW...we were still having sex. Even after I found out and she told me the OM was gone (not buying it, behaviors are still there) we are still having sex. Albeit, it is less than I would like, but we still have that connection. When she is not there...well...I am faithful to my wife and don't stray...and she is in my headspace when I need to be manual. Not trying to be gross...just human and real.