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Author Topic: Discussion MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2

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Discussion Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#130: September 14, 2014, 11:18:46 AM
C, I've merged your thread with this one. 
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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#131: September 14, 2014, 01:24:31 PM
Yes i read the Facebook post, this is surely political suicide?. According to some of the comments he was seeking a gagging order on his wife so I suspect there might be some big revelations. Oh dear, I saw some comments that say his Facebook post smacks of narcissistic personality disorder, what do we say here about MLC? Narcissism a huge part. He fits the mlc script beautifully.
Just feel so sorry for his kids, so so sorry for them.
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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#132: September 14, 2014, 04:07:06 PM
Yes i read the Facebook post, this is surely political suicide?

Maybe not. If he is american he may be fine. After all the US managed to keep a cheating president in office. OK, at least 2, but JFK was not caught same way Clinton was.
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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#133: September 14, 2014, 07:52:52 PM
JFK was assassinated. It seems to have absolved him.

Clinton was/is a lot smarter/smoother than Sanford.

Sanford is done. 

Even in the US.

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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#134: September 14, 2014, 10:15:08 PM
Is it thought that Clinton was having a MLC, and his wife was standing or is he just a bad boy?
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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#135: September 14, 2014, 11:04:27 PM
Hillary Clinton stood by her man, she was and is a good politician. Clinton was a very good president. Sanford sounds like he's hanging on by the skin of his teeth. I read that sanford's ex wife was a little like Hillary Clinton in that she was very much an intellectual, political and personal support to her husband. What a doofus. Quoting the bible seems to be to appeal to his Christian constituents but judging by the comments they haven't been fooled. I think that's the worst part, the arrogant and narcissistic belief that a man can fool his public into believing he is this total victim when he clearly had an affair and dumped his wife and four kids and used tax payers money to fund it! He's a terrific hypocrite and I think his voters can see that. His Facebook rant certainly exposes him as one!

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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#136: September 15, 2014, 05:57:48 AM
I don't think Clinton had a crisis. He's just a cheater. Can't seem to help himself.

Not making excuses.

Sanford?  MLC?  Sure sounds like it. He's completely delusional.

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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#137: September 15, 2014, 06:02:56 AM
Thanks Limitless,

I think Clinton is one of the most Charismatic men I have ever seen.  He was here in Melbourne a few weeks ago and really caused a stir with the ladies!!  Lucky Hilary (or not).
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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#138: September 15, 2014, 06:59:31 AM
I agree with Limitless. I don't think there is any reason to believe Clinton had an MLC.  But Sanford, oh boy.  What an MLC mess.
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Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#139: September 15, 2014, 11:01:51 AM
They could always ship this guy to Italy. He could be Berlusconi's bff...
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