I think getting angry about the situation is a healthy emotion. However I do not think spewing out your anger to your spouse and those around you are healthy reactions and it does absolutely nothing but create a bigger drama. So yes having anger is good, it is healthy it is how you act while angry that needs to be looked at and considered. Part of this journey is understanding we have a right to have emotions, we need to have those emotions but our emotions are our own to have and to control. Yes someone can make you angry that is true, but to live in a perpetual state of anger that is directly tied to how someone elses actions are isn't healthy. We must have emotions that are independent on our MLC spouse, we understand they are sick, they aren't in their right mind and we learn to jump off the roller coaster, part of that is owning our emotions as our own and for me that means my emotions are no longer based on what my spouse is doing. Do I like it, do I approve of it, heck no but he will not control how I react to it and he will not control my emotions, just as we are blamed by the MLCer that we are the reason they feel that way, uhmmmm no you feel that way because you aren't in your right mind and you are projecting your inner turmoil. Just as the MLCer must come to learn we aren't the cause of their feelings the LBSer needs to have emotions that are independent on the MLCer. It doesn't mean we can't get angry, it doesn't mean we can't tell them we are angry but how we tell them and how we act during those angry moments are ours to own we didn't act crazy because of them, we got angry at what they did and we acted that way because in part we lost control. So I don't think people on here are saying don't be angry, they are saying be angry and go about it in a healthy manner. Suppressing anger isn't healthy and even the bible says it is okay to get angry, just not sin while angry.