Rosemary, my Father depression has been going since around the time I was born , he has had several spells of normality in which he is a totally different person so I would say he has had many awakenings but alas he has always drifted back into a depression for one reason or another .
His depression stems form his M dying when he was 15 and his F remarrying pretty much straight away he was never able to accept the OW and for a long time he did not realise he was suffering from depression he said he just felt angry and ill and projected a lot of that onto my Mother. The divorced when I was 11 and he said he regrets that to this day some 30 odd years later .
He did say that to start with he felt physically ill all the time , tired , restless, angry , sad and then he sprialled out of control as the fog came over him, he has done some awful things during his life but I think I understand a bit more now that he was not always in control of what he was doing and that he was desperately clinging on to stop these things happening .
31 he has been on mediacation for many years and if he comes off them he becomes a monster pretyy quickly so he is resigned to taking them for the reast of his life .
One thing he said last night is that he could never have spoken to anyone close to him as he became paronoid that they were the enemy and that he resented the fact that they seemed stong and happy , so he could understand why H spoke to someone else and also someone else who is pretty mixed up herself, it goes with what is said on here and what my councellor has mentioned that at the moment H feels safe with someone who is also not very stable .
Ironically he also said that the grass is not always greener but when you are in a deep depression you are convinced that the fantasy will be .