In case you are in to this sort of thing or just curious:
More info. on the moon in Virgo on March 5: were a few things that resonated with me in here:
“This can be felt as one part of us being angry and no longer wanting to take anyone’s bull$h!te anymore- and another part of us wanting to rise above, forgive, understand and let go. The best use of these planetary dispositors is to find a way to bridge them so they can work effectively together…”
“The best use of this Full Moon can be about harnessing the potential for self-adjustments, inner work and healing.
“Virgo is the virgin, but the original meaning of the word did not mean woman who never had sex. It mean woman who owned herself and was whole unto herself.
“So the Highest potential of this Full Moon is moving towards profound healing and wholeness- within as well as without in the form of relationships (and the key is knowing that the inner informs the outer).”