l was dreading the thought of Christmas day alone. last year l had my daughter and ex over Christmas Eve and my d stayed the night and we had Christmas morning together to. Then ex picked her up at 11 and they went down to her parents 2hrs away.
l was alone the rest of Christmas day and the next 2 days.
Christmas day arvo , l forced myself to drive up to a beach 30mins away and l swam and sat there all day watching families and couples having their Christmas day and trying not to miss my d. That was my second Christmas in this without our little family and her and alone.
In our first Christmas separated , l basically locked all the doors and just cried the rest of the day after my d left with ex.
l have no friends here , my family are 4hrs away , l was too depressed to hack driving down and facing them. Who wants to drive 4hrs on a Christmas day and upset anyway ?
This year , l was dreading it after d left, dreading it . Alone again and without my girl , on Christmas day, that is just insane .
But my ex was going down to her patents and we asked d this yr what she would rather do and last min she wanted to stay home with me at my place. lt made my freaking year , it really did .
D told me later she was so sick of being dragged down to the in laws place 2hrs on a Christmas day and having to sit around all their bs for 2 days , away from me and pf course away from all her new pressies but hey , she is only 13
l was so proud of her . We did have the option to drive down to see my family , 4hrs away , but again , who wants to drive all that on a Christmas day and we decided we're not doing it.
So for the first time since my ex destroyed our family , l have my d with me right through Christmas and l couldn't care less about anything else it's just made my year.
And , ex is going on a 2wk cruise and the in laws asked her , behind my back , if my d could stay with them for the 2wks.
But thankfully ex told me and so we asked my d first of all and she just said no way ,l wanna stay with dad. And again, l was so so proud of her.
The in laws have been trying to get their hooks into her since ex and l split but my d is getting too older and wiser to fall for their bs and sees straight through it.
Ex did come over for a barbie with d , Christmas Eve , ex was weird this year , very weird. But she wasn't too worried about d staying over right through this year , it was our turn anyway. But the fact that d actually chose to stay over with me , just meant so much to me .
l could have had her more on the first two but then she would be without her mum on a Christmas day and l didn't want that so either way you can't win.