At the beginning of all this, he was doing his benefit plan online and asked me if d2 needed dental. I said 'yeah, she has cavities and I need to get her in as soon as possible.'
Shortly after the 1st of the year I left a message asking about her info. A week later I asked by text. Another week or so, I asked by e-mail. I asked him face to face about a week later. He ignored me. every. single. time.
I took her to the dentist, they were able to bill the insurance by looking it up through his ssn. Later I told him she would need general anesthesia for the because she needs almost all her top teeth filled and is also a 2 year old maniac, did he want me to schedule it on a day he could be there?
He gave me grumpy confused forhead scrunch face and snarled "She doesn't have dental insurance."
Sometimes I forget how batdang crazy he is and try to talk to him.
My bad.
after he’s through this crisis, wait five years, take out a wooden paddle and whack him on the ass for doing this to you!