The one that KILLS me the most, is the 2 kids, dog and Dad, watching mom put a new roll of toilet paper on the toilet paper holder. I almost threw a rock through my the TV when I saw that. Although, I must admit, if my h used the last piece of toilet paper the man would most likely NOT put a new one on the holder. Not joking about this. It wasn't that he didn't know how to do it, it was that he couldn't be bothered.
Funny, that is one of the things that I have noticed since we reconciled. I only replace the empty TP if I use the last of it. Actually, there are all kinds of things he does now, that HE DID NOT DO before. Mind you, that probably because I don't run around picking up after him now. If every pair of trousers he has is on the back of the couch... SO BE IT... they stay there. If he uses every shirt in the closet and leaves them in a pile on the floor... so be it... he's wearing a dirty shirt to work. Yep, no piles on the floor or even worse, next to the laundry basket. He picks up his own mess now. Heck, he even wipes out the sink in the bathroom after he brushes his teeth.
Seriously ladies and gentlemen, I let him away with WAY TOO MUCH! When he returned, OW didn't allow that, I knew it... so the first time he did it when he returned, I just raised my eyebrow and say, did you leave that $hit there when you were at Miss Piggy's house? Nope, didn't think so!
Doesn't do it here any more, either... hehehehe! I didn't like any of this, but there have been some changes, I really benefited from...
Hugs Stayed