moment- I guess then this begs the next question - why do LBs's seek comfort in the stats that say MLCer will divorce OW or that their R is miserable? What kind of comfort/hope are we seeking? and even if we don't want MLCer back why do we want them to suffer?
You're kidding, right?
Took the words right out of my mouth. I have never understood LBS's who say something like "I just want my MLCer to come through the tunnel & heal & have a good life (despite not returning home). I just don't get that. There wasn't anything wrong with me; there wasn't anything wrong with our M, certainly nothing wrong enough that justified infidelity, pretending all was well, & walking out the door 10 minutes after BD to live with an OW. Why would I wish him well after that? I want justice. Justice would be him smashing headfirst into the rocks, picking himself up, & trudging home to honestly try to repair the damage he has done to himself, to me, & to our family. Even with that best-case scenario, forgiveness isn't a cake walk.
Why would I wish him well in his "new life" with his "new R"? I don't know if my H will ever want to return home or not, but the part of MLC lore that I do believe with all of my heart is that my MLCer H will NOT have a good life if he stays on the path he is on. He is lost; he is empty; he is in a R with another broken person, an opportunistic, hypocritical alienator. How does he heal on this path? Why waste my breath, thought, spirit wishing him well on this path?
I haven't reached a place of forgiveness yet (2 1/2 years after BD), especially one month after my crappy D settlement. If he sincerely wanted to heal our M, I would be there. And I believe I'll get there no matter what, in probably more of a "it's been so long, I've healed myself, yeah I guess I really do forgive him" sort of a way. Sort of forgiveness by default. If we just say we forgive them because we think it is expected or something we have to do for ourselves to move on, I'm not sure how genuine that is. I think forgiveness comes when we do all of those things to take care of ourselves, heal ourselves, strengthen ourselves, & love ourselves. Then, we realize that yes, we have forgiven. I don't think though that forgiveness requires that we "wish them well" while they're stuck in the MLC mud heading nowhere but down.
Detach and Survive: A Book of Self-Care for the Wives of Midlife Crisis Men
The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Susan Anderson
Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The Addictive Personality, Craig Nakken'ed 41 years
BD-Jan 2013
Legally separated Feb 2013
D'ed without my consent July 2015
H M'ed OW Sept 2015