I've hesitated getting involved in this discussion for various reasons but what Offroad said:
As long as that stand, whatever it is, does not stop the stander from living their life, great and groovy.
What I got out of RCRS post was that if being a stander stops you from living your life as fully as you would have desired if MLC hadn't occurred, you might want to rethink your process for standing. Also that while the MLCER needs time, thinking that enough time will lead to reconciliation leads to false hope, that if you can just hang on for 7,10,15 years, the MLCER will come back. You can't believe them back, you can't hope them back, you can't wait them back. You would have to meet them somewhere forward, if there is to be any recconnection at all.
was exactly what I got out of the blog post as well....
Warning: Once I got started, I got on a roll so this is a LONG post....
NOWHERE does RCR say standing is "wrong." NOWHERE does she say it is useless or any other derogatory term and to infer otherwise, I believe is a projection of personal issues onto the post.
She is simply stating a set of observations, perhaps facts, from the way she sees it. I have to say that what she has written corresponds with the information I have gotten from my mom who, if anyone doesn't know from reading my posts, is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in marital and family therapy who had more than 35 years in private practice and and an additional 5 in the public domain, and others in the field.
Standing (however one defines that term) in a healthy way is NOT about "waiting for the MLC'er to get their head out of their rear end" because it is a fact, some of them NEVER will. they will go to their grave in the tunnel. My FIL was one of those so I got to witness it first hand the carnage and destruction that he left in his wake for the last 20 years, including the way his crisis has impacted his kids lives, not the least of which is my MLCW.
Standing, in my view, is about HEALING of the non-MLC'er! It is the time that the LBS needs in order to get their own ducks in a row and get them headed in the right direction: the direction of personal growth, of self-discovery, of doing what is known here as "mirror work" or self-examination, self-improvement, and self-love.
One thing to remember is that the MLC'ers are almost always, without exception, people who have NO concept of self-nurturing. they are not capable of soothing themselves and recovering from setbacks and disappointments.... The spouse or partner has been in that role for them for a LONG time (19 YEARS in my case) of being an external supply of soothing and nurturing. Anyone who thinks that has NOT had an adverse effect on our own psyche is not facing reality. To use a more brutal analogy, if you hit a dog enough times, sooner or later, when you raise your hand, the dog will cringe, even if you are attempting to pet it nicely. Likewise, when ANYONE raises their hand, the dog will cringe. It takes TIME for that doggie to learn that the new person is NOT going to whack it! It is NO different for the spouse of the Mid-Lifer. We have been in a specific role for so long of trying to fill the MLC'ers leaky bottomless bucket that we have gotten used to focusing on others at the detriment to ourselves.
THAT to me is what the stand is about.... Getting our focus turned back to being healthy individuals in our own right and taking that time.
As Nah said, the way it was expressed, that the odds for reconciliation get worse as time goes on, is a two-sided sword. On the one side, for the newly BD'd spouse, yes, they want nothing more urgently or desperately than to have their spouse back AT ANY COST! So, yes, it may be detrimental to "hope" as some people see it. However, that message has to be taken as a whole with the REST of the post - that, regardless of the time past, NOTHING is impossible but the SPOUSE OF THE MLC'er MUST ENGAGE IN HEALING! Standing as the term is generally accepted here - meaning that one will not undertake any other relationship outside the one with the spouse and will not initiate a divorce, is all well and good. It is a personal decision and no one can say that it is right or wrong because it is a PERSONAL decision.
In NO case, should "Standing"= "Stasis." Why? Because Stasis is NOT healthy. I don't care how faithful one is (in fact, if one wants to go biblical, doesn't the bible say that the body is the temple of God? Is not the brain and the spirit part of the body? what happens when a building or any other structure is not maintained (is put dormant?) Yep, in the passage of time, it crumbles and falls apart) we, as humans, have an innate need to continue growing. It is a fact of life that, once one stops growing, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, one starts the decay process of dying....
But that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with a new relationship with another person!
Our first and most important relationship (aside from that with our higher power) is the one with ourselves. We have to be secure and happy in our own skin, with ourselves. If someone is ONLY happy when they are in a relationship with a specific other person, then there is something intrinsically unhealthy about that relationship. A marriage is NOT about 2 people "completing" each other but rather 2 people COMPLEMENTING each other to form a new entity that is greater than the sum of the parts. Mathematically it would be like saying 1 + 1 = 3. It is two complete and whole individuals coming together to make something greater than the sum of the 2.
I'll be honest and say that, in the course of my marriage, I have developed unhealthy behaviors in order to fill the "void" that was inside my MLC'er. That is why I am at the point where I am now. "Standing?"I can't say that. I am not at a point where I am in a position to make that decision because I am not fully healed. Until that point, it is neither prudent nor fair, either to myself or to another person to attempt to engage in a relationship. Does that mean I am "waiting"on my MLCW to have a cranial-rectal disinversion? No.
The two things are NOT related in ANY way. My healing is NOT dependent on her or anything she does. When the time comes that I feel that I can be wholly , genuinely, authentically and lovingly in a relationship again, then I'll make the decision regarding my relationship with her. In the mean time, what happens? I don"t know. No one has died and appointed me as God to the best of my knowledge. We can't tell what the future will hold. We can, via anecdotal stories that, quite frankly, are biased, infer that certain things may happen but one needs to remember that people on HS come and go. People come here when they are in need. they find their way to this place by recommendation (like I did) or by searching for answers. When their need has been fulfilled, they leave. Some stick around in an altruistic way to help the "next generation" as they themselves were helped. Others find it is simply too painful to have those wounds reopened time and time again every time a newbie comes in fresh from having their butts blown off in a BD.
If one stands and continues to grow in their relationship with their Higher Power, in their relationship with themselves, in their relationships with their kids if applicable and with their community while abstaining from an intimate relationship with another human because that is what they believe in, then more power to them and they have my total respect. I don't see that as any different to those taking vows of Holy Orders. Likewise, those who have decided that, in order for them to heal and be healthy, they need to end a relationship and start over with someone else, that is also a personal decision and is NOT open to ridicule or derision from those who have chosen a different path.
Having said that, I DO recognize that, from my perspective, there are a few posters who seem to revel in describing their antics in the dating scene and those I choose NOT to follow because I find it totally disrespectful, both to themselves and to the people they are playing with.
If one is standing and waiting and pining/longing for the return of the spouse without healing themselves, then they are in the position of being stuck and that is unhealthy... After all, if one begins building a house with the exact same set of materials that have collapsed before, what in the name of all that is holy is going to change the outcome?
Finally, if the MLC'er comes out of the tunnel, they will have changed and grown - they have NO choice in the matter because to successfully end the Crisis permanently, they have to deal with whatever it was in their past that has prevented them from knowing how to recover from setbacks and disappointments, they have to have learned how to sooth and nurture themselves, they are forced to learn how to patch their leaky bucket and fill it from within rather than expect others to fill it for them. If the partner that they have left is still in the same mode as they were before, the former MLC'er is not going to be interested in the long term.... I mean, seriously, it may be an over-dramatization but would ANYONE here, at their current age and experience, want to go back and get involved with someone you knew in high school who has NOT also matured and lived a life?
Folks, that is exactly what we are talking about here.... By virtue of the MLC, the ways of two people who expected to follow a single path have been been violently separated with one of them disappearing into the tunnel. If we stop right where we are at the time this separation takes place and wait for them to reappear, we miss out on a beautiful trip / life that will have some hills, some valleys, some rain, and some sunshine. Most importantly though, we will not be ANYWHERE near the point where the MLC'er will finally emerge because they will continue to move.... NO ONE comes out of MLC unchanged... ever... so if we want to have any hope of a true permanent reconciliation, we too need to grow and change.
Thank you for reading the Gospel of MLC according to Ursa....