It's not so much that I'm asking the same thing over and over, it's just that I haven't been sure of what I've been trying to ask. I've just found and read through Den's thread and she hit a point I'm at now.. the LBS confusion, fear and conditioning to see the black lining under everything: Am I enabling cake eating? Am I letting myself be two timed, played or used even? Am I perhaps even stunting her growth?
I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir when I say this, but whenever I talk to anyone or they ask how I'm doing, they feel free to jump in with their two cents and that doesn't help out the LBS confusion any either. They of course neglect to see (or respond to) that yes, I'm living like she's not coming back. I've lost 40 pounds, I've reconnected with some buddies, I'm putting more time into my son, mentoring other youth, I'm re doing my house, Oh W? She said this, did that the other day. ( I don't talk to her unless she talks to me and then I just mirror her, don't ask, don't tell, don't offer, don't help..)
Nearly everyone's response is the same to just the W part: "You need to cut that cake eating b!tch off at the knees! You want to live your life like that forever?!" Given my own abusive past and PTSD, it's hard to even want to reach out to people after being given so much "advice".
I am living my own life and W sees it. She's kissing butt, trying to get me to notice her through cat videos and recipes she sends online, apologizing and trying to show she's changing to the point of being a bit insecure. the day I packed her stuff up was the day I moved on. Yes, I've had some stress I've had to cycle off and I've had some ups and downs but that was my line in the sand. And I have absolutely lived every word I've spoken to others here.
If your wife is monstering at you, then NC is the only way you can stop the abuse. If it's not as bad as what some of us have gone through then keep up the contact. Cake eating is only done if you're still acting like you can't live without her. It's all about them feeling empowered. The more power you give over to her, the longer this lasts. She sees you as weak. Period.
This is the answer I was looking for. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was flinging crap towards the wall, but hey, it worked and you said the right thing. My W isn't monstering and W has taken the submissive role, so your comment about cake eating is what I needed to answer my question.
I'm not trying to control any aspect of this.. I was just trying to find the answer that fit my situation. And I'll be honest, it's tough. You've got pay for websites, free ones, several forums, your own peanut gallery.. it just ain't easy trying to understand what works for you and what doesn't when there's so much and so many varied situations out there.
And to come full circle, it's about me. Yes, I want to leave the door open, but I don't want to be used, played or manipulated. That's just a fear that's on everyone's mind I'm sure..
Also, don't read into what I put in my thread too much. I'm an observer by nature and it helps just to journal and do a brain dump every now and then, I just tend to report more than emote. That doesn't mean I'm over analyzing anything.