You have put up with society and family expectations of your expected behaviour socially and it has now come to a stage where it no longer works. So you Rebel against the administration. You run looking for a better goodness of fit for your new life. It works for a while and your happy with your new choice. But eventually you new found energy depletes and you are back to square one, your old self! Was the journey worth it ? You tell me!
Jackolar 12
I've read this argument several times and while I believe it could very well be the case for some, in my husband's MLC it is the exact opposite. He always did his own thing. He was very different from someone in his culture, naturally. In fact, even with very little exposure to people from my culture before he met me, he was very similar to someone from my culture from his natural personality. Even marrying me meant going up against the opinions of society and most of his family.
His MLC is a great deal related to societal, cultural and family pressure to conform after returning to his hometown after spending more than half of his life living elsewhere, coupled with personal circumstances of ours that we could not control but left him outside the cultural norm. He used to tell me he would never succumb to that pressure even though he knew he might face it. That was when we lived in a different part of the country on our own. And now he has succumbed, and he has clearly made himself miserable in doing so. Because his MLC is about NOT being his authentic self.
How do you know that? How do you KNOW who his authentic self is? I am not sure some days I know my own authentic self? I think sometimes people like your husband who run so hard from something, are in fact the ones most likely living a lie--trying to be something they ARE NOT, to prove they are not who they are, which is somehow, something they perceive as inadequate. One of my favorite truths in the Art of Loving by Fromm is that love is reflection of your self perception and that when you are young and incomplete, you love those who seem to complete you, but when you are complete you love yourself.
We all struggle, EVERY SINGLE DAY, with who we ARE, who we think we are, who we want to be, who others want us to be... And all the others want us to be something different. None of us can be the ideal person, spouse, mother, sibling, child, worker, friend. So, what wins, in this second, or the next minute? I don't even know your husband, but I guarantee neither you nor he knows who his authentic self is, because even a self-aware person knows that authentic person changes with the wind.
If your values do not clash every day, you have no values. If every day you do not wrestle with your dark side, you are in denial and your dark side is winning... Love and light, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...