Well, due to my nature, it is not putting the cart before the horse. My mom's favorite story of me is when I was around 4 years old. I was quite stressed because I could not figure out how I was going to be able to learn how to drive a car. You see, I plan ahead! LOL
Sex is an emotional thing for H. He bonded with ow first emotionally. Now that ( I have no proof, is a valid assumption ) they are physical, it is like he is bound to her for life. We had always had a super sex life until his emotional issues initiated a distance between us. Things went downhill from there. In spite of the continued chemistry between us, we had not been intimate for a very long time.
I just don't know if I can get past the betrayal. IDK. I go back & forth. I am Standing presently cuz I feel forgiveness. But if H moves out, divorces me, moves in with ow or marries her....years go by where they are devoted.....then he says 'opps, made a mistake'.....I think that by then, my hurt will be too big to overcome. He will just be a man who is capable of betrayal and nothing better. When I found he had made ow a Valentine disc and named the song he wrote, and shared with me on my computer, after the ho-ow....my ability to Stand was challenged.....these are things he stopped doing for me years ago.......I feel he has started a new hot romance with a married ( allegedly divorcing ) ow. Do I sound like an inexperienced newbie??? lol