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Author Topic: Off-Topic Full Moon Alert IV

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Off-Topic Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#40: May 28, 2018, 03:43:42 PM
There we are again, Full Moon, May 29.

Ursa, any words?
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#41: May 29, 2018, 01:10:35 AM
There we are again, Full Moon, May 29.

Ursa, any words?

Uhmmmmmmm .... Well..... Take it for what it's worth.... My usual page hasn't published yet unfortunately but several others have and ... well....

See for yourself....


On Tuesday, May 29, 2018, the full moon will be in Sagittarius.  At the new moon two weeks ago, each of us set off on some new journey with only the vaguest idea of where it might lead. We simply took the first steps, following our curiosity and any little sparks of inspiration we found along the way. Now, at the May full moon, also called the Flower Moon, the big picture is finally starting to reveal itself and our ultimate destination is becoming clearer. But now that we can see where we’re headed… are we sure it’s where we really want to go?

Finding and following our true path, aligning with our authentic vision and our highest aspirations—these are the kinds of lofty concerns that occupy our minds during a Sagittarius full moon.

Because full moons happen when the sun and moon are in opposite signs, they tend to draw our attention to polarities in our own lives that could use some balancing.  With the Sagittarius full moon opposing the sun in Gemini, our quest for definitive answers to life’s big questions (Sagittarius) can be complicated by an overwhelming influx of new ideas and information (Gemini).

Sagittarius is looking for Truth with a capital T… and at this full moon, we may believe we’ve found it at last.  The only problem with this newfound enlightenment is that it’s easy to become overzealous and start pushing our version of the truth on everyone else. Be sure to stay curious and keep an open mind—there’s always more to learn.

Our curiosity is easily sparked this time of year, with the sun in Gemini bringing in a seemingly endless parade of stimulating new possibilities, people, and ideas.  And the full moon in Sagittarius can hit us with a serious case of wanderlust, making us eager to get out there and explore each and every one of them!

It’s the perfect time to broaden your horizons—just be careful not to scatter your energies. Like its alter ego the archer, Sagittarius works best when we keep our eyes on the prize.


The May 29th Full Moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius and is going to be guiding us to see things with a fresh perspective.

Imagine being able to view your life from a totally different lens. Imagine being able to look at things that once caused you grief and strife, and now only seeing possibilities, opportunities, and new adventures.

This is the exact energy of this Full Moon, and if you use it to its fullest potential, you are really going to be able to see your life in a whole new way.

You are going to be able to expand your heart and mind, and really see things from a higher perspective.

Take a moment to focus on the journey of your life so far. Soar above the day-to-day drama for a moment and reflect on what you have learnt, how far you have come, and how strong you have made yourself.

Celebrate your triumphs and victories, laugh at your mistakes, and acknowledge that you still have so much more to learn.

See your magnificent life as a blessing, as a beautiful story that is so unique and special to you. See your life as the gift that it is.

Now, as you settle back down into yourself, ask yourself- what is next? What next steps do you need to take in order to claim the opportunities that are waiting for you?

Sagittarius energy is all about expanding your mindset. It has a seeker-type energy and gives us the desire to explore new aspects of ourselves, learn new things, and go out there and see the world!

It is this energy that gives us a curiosity for life and allows us to find the confidence to do things that speak to our soul.

If there is something that you have always longed to do, if there is a place you really want to travel to, a career path you really want to try, or a new idea you have been toying with, now is the time to shift out of your comfort zone and open yourself to the opportunity.

Now is the time to think about taking that leap of faith and trying something new. Now is the time to shake up your routine in order to keep the curiosity and inspiration alive.

Just like us, our dreams and goals change and evolve. Just like we grow, so too do our desires, needs, and wants.

Have you outgrown your goals or are they still relevant to where you are today?

Under this Full Moon energy, it will be time to reassess your goals and dreams in all areas of your life, and see if they are still aligned with your current vibration.

Take inventory and work out if there are any outdated goals or dreams that are holding you back or keeping you stuck.

Assess whether your goals and dreams are still fuelling your passion and making you feel excited to get out of bed everyday.

If you find any areas of stickiness or a lack of inspiration, know that this is a sign that some changes need to be made, and under the energy of May’s Full Moon, it is the perfect time to start.

Start thinking about how you want to feel every day when you get out bed. Start by imagining what your perfect day may feel like. Working with these feelings, see if you can find ways to bring them into your life today, even if it’s just in small ways.

How can you feel more inspired or purposeful? How can you feel more of how you want to feel? It usually starts with simple, small changes to your routine and to the way you think.

If you need to, close your eyes and once again travel to see your life from a birds-eye view. Look how far you have traveled, and know that there is still another journey out there for you, another adventure is waiting!

You just need to open yourself to it, and know that passion, inspiration, and adventure is out there for you!

Taking a much needed vacation or taking some time to pamper and care for yourself is also a good way to use this energy to help inspire you.

If you can’t get away, simply visiting somewhere you haven’t been in your local town is also a great way to find new inspiration and to see things differently.

In order to have a different life you need to do something different, you need to do something to shake up your routine and get out of your habitual patterns. It is only from this new perspective that you are able to find new inspiration and new opportunities.

Full Moons are always drawing things out of us, which is why they are such a powerful time to release and let go of things. While this energy will be helping us to draw out new goals, desires, and dreams, we also need to be mindful of how we are using our energy.

If you have been stressing or feeling anxious about something, this would also be the perfect time to go within and really work on discovering the root or underlying cause.

With the help of the Moon you will be able to release and dig your way to the truth with a lot more ease.

Many possibilities are going to be blossoming on this Full Moon, so put your feelers out there, open your heart, mind, body, and soul to the possibilities around you, and take that leap.


Don't let the May 29 full Flower Moon fool you. Despite its airy name, this full moon could inspire some major competition, and the signs the May 2018 full Flower Moon will affect the most should be mentally prepared for a challenge. "The May 2018 full moon straddles the most important natural axis in the heavens, which is The Heart of the Scorpion opposite The Eye of the Bull," Astrology King noted on its website. During a full moon the sun and moon are opposite each other, which can highlight polarities in your life, and this particular polar paring can make things more intense than usual.

"Inner tension and external pressures can lead to personal conflict and crises that drain your energy," Astrology King explained. "Your home, family, and intimate relationships come into sharper focus following a full moon." The full Flower Moon will affect mutable signs (signs that have are ruled by change) Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces the most.

Because these same signs are also being supercharged by Gemini season, the need to speed up without thinking things through could lead to avoidable conflicts. "The moon opposite the sun in mutable Sagittarius makes this a hyper day," the website Addicted to Astrology revealed. "Stop and think before you act. You could be mentally and physically overstimulated."

Despite your instinct to go full speed ahead, if you're a Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces, it's important to take an extra beat before you speak or act if you don't want to end up in an argument. Choose your words and your tone wisely.

"The moon in Gemini is a time to talk the talk and walk the walk. Keep the lines of communication steady and don't be afraid to tell it like it is. Just make sure you use tact and avoid negative comments as they will backfire," Addicted to Astrology noted. "People will be talking, so do your best to avoid and beware of gossip, drama and secrets."

This is going to be especially difficult for Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces because the urge to move ahead will be at odds with the need to take a pause. If you're feeling particularly edgy during the full Flower Moon (also known as the Honey Moon), consider doing a cleansing ritual to help center yourself instead of going full on game on with anyone who disagrees with you.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#42: May 29, 2018, 01:59:57 PM
Better late than never but it is a strange one today....


Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May's Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.

Like nature at this time, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the Suns energy. The Full Moon is in Sagittarius and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. Things that were once hidden will show themselves to us, we will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly.

Like a snake shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Sagittarius calls to each of us to shed the layers that are ready bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.

On this Full Moon emotions will be raw, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. We will experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry as this will soon pass. Let the fire of Sagittarius cleanse your emotional pain and heal you of negative feelings.

The Sagittarius Full Moon will bring lessons in self transformation pulling you toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what is already fractured in your life to allow new and positive beginnings to start. We are now in a new era, and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.

These are magnificent times. Change and life shifts are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant and surrender to the universal gifts that is coming your way. Let the fires of Sagittarius burn away any stale or negative energy that has attached itself to us.

Have a Blessed Full Moon.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#43: May 29, 2018, 04:52:28 PM
Wow! Thanks Ursa.

Very interesting stuff.

Can't see the moon. Rain and clouded sky here. But can sure feel it.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#44: June 13, 2018, 01:22:46 PM
As I'm a Gemini, I could use a little of this New Moon power!

Tonight is the New Moon in Gemini. This will be a time of great transition, it is a time to let go of the past and to look to the future. Life is moving forward swiftly now, embrace changes and steer them in the direction you want them to go in. Allow a fresh perspective to take hold of you. Let today and everyday be the first day of your life. The past does not equal the future. There is unlimited potential in the human spirit. Keep your mind open. Open your heart and let the light in. A new day is dawning for you.

The Gemini New Moon is about communication and using your intellect. Be smarter and wiser, look at your life in a new way, think on things, make plans for the future, use the Gemini influence to help you reach a higher understanding and propel you in a direction you want to go. When you come across multiple choices or two choices and are at a cross roads, rather than becoming scattered like leaves blowing in the wind, quiet down and be still, connect with your Spirit and the Divine and ask for the answer.

The Gemini New Moon is all about connections and expressions with others and ourselves. We may hear from people we haven't heard from for a while. There will be reunions with friends and family. We sometimes need to have deep personal conversations with other people and ourselves to figure out where we are and where we are going. Our emotions will feel raw at this time, Don't hold back your thoughts and feelings on this New Moon, let them out and tell people how you really feel.

This is a dreamy New Moon filled with potentials and promises. The past few months have been challenging for most of us, many of us had a rude awakening in one form or another and life may have seemed rather hard of late, but with this New Moon things will start to look up now, enjoy the new energy as the Moon starts it’s waxing phase after tonight and will bring us into a new place of positive and good energy. Expect answers to any unsolved questions coming on the Full Moon in 2 weeks.

This is a good time to go deep within yourself and see things as they really are. Listen to your intuition. Your instincts will never fail you. The logical mind can be deceived, the eyes and ears can be fooled. They see what they want to see, they hear what they want to hear. However, your Inner being cannot be fooled. Live your life from your authentic self, from inside out. Only you know what you really need and what needs to be done. The power is in your hands.

The New Moon in Gemini is a time for calm and peace. The Cosmos is in perfect harmony at this time. This is a brilliant time to make dreams and wishes come true or just spoil yourself with luxury and enjoy the peace and tranquillity. Meditate on any questions you may have and the answers will come to you. Let the winds of change from this air sign blow over you and take you on a journey of discovery. This is the perfect time to start any new projects or learning something new.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#45: June 13, 2018, 06:42:22 PM
Was wondering why I felt such a different energy all of a sudden. And felt like being chatty.

I am not a Gemini, my moon is not Gemini, but my Descendant is. Guess it is that.  :)

The Gemini New Moon is all about connections and expressions with others and ourselves. We may hear from people we haven't heard from for a while. There will be reunions with friends and family. We sometimes need to have deep personal conversations with other people and ourselves to figure out where we are and where we are going. Our emotions will feel raw at this time, Don't hold back your thoughts and feelings on this New Moon, let them out and tell people how you really feel.

Sounds good with me.

This is a dreamy New Moon filled with potentials and promises.

So does this.

Expect answers to any unsolved questions coming on the Full Moon in 2 weeks.

Does this mean Mr. Nightclub will finally crash?  ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#46: June 14, 2018, 05:23:37 AM
Thanks Ursa, that sounds good.  A colleague also sent me something about emotions being a little high with this New Moon.  Perhaps a tendency to be a cranky Mckcrankerson.  Based on the day I had today, I definitely had to agree.  I like your somewhat gentler version though ;D
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#47: June 26, 2018, 05:54:16 PM
Full Moon in Capricorn 27/28.

Any words, Ursa?  :)
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#48: June 28, 2018, 07:44:08 AM
Full Moon in Capricorn 27/28.

Any words, Ursa?  :)



Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.

The Full Moon is in the sign of Capricorn which is the sign of truth. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. We can look at our lives with more clarity, the veil will be lifted. Capricorn energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Capricorn it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface. It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.

After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow. We must also look within ourselves and find our own inner truths. You may experience some restless nights and wild and vivid dreams.

Don't be scared to dream and want for more on this Full Moon, Capricorn is brave and bold and will give us a boost of courage and ambition. You may feel unstoppable and have a renewed energy. Use this energy to make plans for the future. Be daring and move out of your comfort zone a little, try new things only by doing this can we learn and grow.

This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don't be too self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure or to visit places that bring up sweet memories.

This Full Moon gives us an opportunity to grow in so many ways and have an epic summer, the earth is full of energy and life now, use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the earth element of Capricorn heal and cleanse your spirit.

You are getting a huge blast of positive energy from the Cosmos. This is a solar time we have just had Summer Solstice, these are power days. This is one of the most powerful days of the year. You can feel the shift in your being. The light of the heavens are pouring down into you. No matter how far you have strayed from your path, use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home.

Have a blessed Full Moon.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#49: June 28, 2018, 04:02:49 PM
Thank you, Ursa.  :)

Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon.

This is lovely.

It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.

Interesting. It is foggy and cloudy here. No moon to be seen. :(

Will be looking forward to what the Capricorn moon energy brings.
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