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Author Topic: Off-Topic Full Moon Alert IV

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Off-Topic Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#70: August 26, 2018, 04:48:30 PM
Waiting for the transformation ;D
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"And when they ask you about me and you find yourself thinking back on all of our memories,
I hope you ache in regret as the truth hits you like a bullet and you find yourself replying: ""She loved me more than anyone else in the entire world and I tried to destroy her."  He failed by the way.'s thread)



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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#71: August 27, 2018, 02:04:38 AM
This full moon hit me hard.  I was pretty messed up but it gave me what I needed.  To go NC with the COWARD since she is off with her LURVE now.  She made it easy for me.  She wanted him, so I kicked her out to the curb, took her key to the marital home and went NC.  Best thing I ever did.  No more struggle, no more holding the rope.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#72: September 11, 2018, 01:02:31 PM
A couple days late but ei yi yi.......


There is a new moon on September 9th, 2018. This new moon takes place in the sign of Virgo. Virgo nature has a mind of its own. The Virgo nature is very reflective, analytical, and forthcoming. Not only is the new moon in Virgo, but there are many planets currently transitioning through earth signs.

New moons are a time for planting seeds, new beginnings, and truly gaining a better understanding of whatever it is you are supposed to be learning / growing from. With that being said, new moons can be a time of a lot of fear and scarcity. When new beginnings end and new doors open, often times it requires for something to end and for other doors to be shut. Stay patient with yourself and constantly remind yourself of your strength, I promise this is nothing you can’t handle.

This new moon is a really important time to stay close to yourself, it’s a time to be more concerned with your relationship with your own life rather than other people and their life. So often we are faced with this battle of trying to balance our own boundaries + expectations of how we want our life to be and how we want our relationships to feel and look, while simultaneously trying to embrace acceptance for what isand focus inward.

Of course, love, communication, compassion, and empathy make the world go round. In fact, those are the things that make the world survivable. However, it’s important to remember that no one owes us anything nor do we owe anyone else anything.

This new moon is a time to learn to be unapologetic for your life.

If you need time, take time. If you need space, have space.

If you don’t want to talk to any of your old friends from college, don’t.

If you want to distance yourself from family members without a lengthy explanation, you are entitled to do so.

If you want to go to the gym at midnight when you have work the next day at 8am, no one has the power to stop you.

This new moon you are being asked to take control of your life, to really make it your life.

Take this new moon and use it to your advantage. Take this new moon and really dive into your own life. Figure out what works for you, figure out what you want in your space, figure out how you want your world to look like. Take this time to heal, to learn, to grow, and to create – without giving anyone an explanation, and without feeling guilty for it. This is your time to start being unapologetic with your life.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#73: September 11, 2018, 03:32:44 PM
This new moon takes place in the sign of Virgo.

Must be why my Virgo younger sister was nuts Sunday (the 9th).

The Virgo nature is very reflective, analytical, and forthcoming.

Not my sister.  ::)

If you want to distance yourself from family members without a lengthy explanation, you are entitled to do so.

You bet.

Take this time to heal, to learn, to grow, and to create – without giving anyone an explanation, and without feeling guilty for it. This is your time to start being unapologetic with your life.

Again, you bet.

Thanks for the words, Ursa.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#74: September 21, 2018, 04:22:45 PM
Full Moon on the 24th. Any words, Ursa?
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#75: September 24, 2018, 07:34:44 AM
Not my normal sources....


It's that time of the month again. When a full moon arrives, it's bound to be a period of emotional mayhem and transformative experiences. At this climactic point in the lunar cycle, internal energy surges outward, bearing complicated truths and oppositional feelings. For as unspeakably beautiful as a full moon radiating its pearlescent glow may be, let's not forget that she's filled with sharp edges. And, if you want proof that la luna is capable of changing everything, look no further than the way the September 2018 full moon will affect your relationships.

Because relationships are tied together through passion, love, anger, and every emotion in the spectrum, it's inevitable that the full moon has an immense impact on our ability to navigate intimacy. And, while all full moons are powerful, the one taking place on September 24, 2018 will be an especially challenging one for your love life and relationships in general. Occurring in feisty, aggressive, and impulsive Aries, a zodiac sign that's known for overreacting, this full moon will put your relationships to the test.

However, if you learn from what this lunation has to teach you, it could also strengthen your bond beyond what you thought possible. Do your best to remain empathetic and maintain self-respect throughout conflicts and watch your love blossom.

When the full moon rises, it will form a t-square with Saturn in no nonsense Capricorn. This is one of the most challenging aspects in all of astrology and this one is capable of making you feel isolated, misunderstood, and alone with your feelings. Because distance can grow between two people when Saturn's impenetrable walls are surrounding each of their hearts, fear may prevent you from making a meaningful connection with some you love.

However, Saturn doesn't cause these issues all by himself. The cosmos work with whatever energy you present them with, and if you've long been dealing with feelings of disconnection in your relationship, the full Aries moon will simply be a breaking point. And boy, can it break when the drastic, argumentative, and passionate sign of Aries is involved.

Saturn is not the only planet putting a dramatic spin on our upcoming full moon. Forming a conjunction with Chiron, ruler of you're deepest insecurities and most painful memories, this Aries full moon will also reveal a darker layer of sensitivity. Most relationships have deep-seated problems that have never been resolved. You spend the majority of your time together pretending that these problems don't exist, even though the emotional wounds still reopen from time to time. Because Chiron is capable of causing difficult topics to resurface, you could find yourself rehashing issues from the past.

However, Chiron rules over more than your weaknesses. In fact, Chiron simultaneously rules over your greatest strength. In life, overcoming obstacles is the only way you'll ever grow. Because Chiron contains your obstacles, it provides you with a road map to freedom. As long as you listen to what your gut is telling you, you'll discover how to save your relationship, and perhaps, even more importantly, how to save yourself.

Although this full moon in Aries is rife with difficult energy, it's also not completely devoid of positive influence. Forming a harmonious sextile with Mars, ruler of passion and ambition, people will be more willing to work through problems and stay loyal to a relationship for the long haul. Even though your conflicts may appear insurmountable, communication and hard-work can make a world of a difference. Especially because Saturn will also be forming a steadying trine with Uranus, ruler of rebellion and erratic change, there's hope than any potential relationship problems won't result in slammed doors and dramatic goodbyes.

In life, there are moments in which everything changes. Whether these changes are brought on by internal revelations or outward influence, they catapult you into the next stage of whatever journey you're currently embarking on. In astrology, a cosmic marker of change is always a full moon. Acting as a moment of climatic energy during the monthly lunar cycle, something powerful gathers together to reveal a deeper truth. And yes, if you're wondering if this has anything to do with your overall life, the September 2018 full moon will affect your career. As long as you refuse to quit, these effects will most certainly be positive.

However, the full moon that's slated to rise on September 24, 2018 has a few unique challenges that may make it much harder to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Occurring in aggressive, ambitious, and unstoppable Aries, a cardinal fire sign, this full moon will not only radiate heat and intensity, it will also form stressful aspects to a few of the most terrifying planets in astrology. However, a bit of drama isn't always a bad thing, is it? Sometimes drama is exactly the push that you need in order to make it to the end. Sometimes an emotional shift changes everything for the better.

Have you ever wondered why the universe such a harsh teacher? Well, as far as astrology is concerned, the most heavy-handed planet of all would be Saturn. Ruling over karma, discipline, and restriction, Saturn is essentially a strict father who wants you to become the best possible person you can be. However, Saturn does not accomplish this by coddling you. Instead, Saturn works you down to the bone.

Because this full Aries moon will embrace a frustrating t-square with Saturn, your career and your life's journey will most certainly be a central focus of this celestial event. If you haven't been working hard enough, the full moon will force you to realize it. If you've been letting yourself down or disregarding what it takes to achieve your goals, you might just witness the consequences of what you've been doing wrong.

However, Saturn's complicated connection with the upcoming full moon in Aries doesn't have to be such a bad thing. By revealing everything that you need to work on in your career, you can then take the necessary steps to fix whatever is currently broken. With Saturn currently focusing its energy in fierce, ambitious, and workaholic Capricorn, this planet is in perfect gear to be the mentor you need; the one that tells you to get right back up and put your head in the game.

The fact that this moon will also form a cooperative sextile with Mars, ruler of action, desire, and impulse, you will have more than enough passion to overcome your obstacles and show the universe who's boss. While this full Aries moon will show you the results of decisions you made in the past, it will also help you realize that your past doesn't have to dictate your future.

If you're already worrying that this full moon in Aries will cause you to lose hope and give up at the first sign of strife, think again. As though the cosmos most certainly have a plan in mind, Saturn will also form a stabilizing trine with Uranus, ruler of dramatic change, revolution and rebellion. At its worst, Uranus can encourage you to make snap decisions without thinking. However, because Uranus will be working so beautifully during the upcoming full moon, you'll be able to make careful, pragmatic changes that slowly but surely amount to greatness in the long run.

Even though the universe may not always be so kind, sometimes its unkindness is exactly what you need. Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you and remember that you are never given too much for you to handle.


This full moon in Aries, (the sign of the child) will be conjunct Chiron, the planetoid that evokes our deepest childhood wounds.

If we work with this energy consciously it’s an opportunity to reframe stories we created from assumptions as children that injured our sense of self.

Those in the northern hemisphere will be especially sensitive to feeling triggered as this full moon coincides with the Autumn Equinox, the time when we’re initiated through catalysts to face our disowned shadow aspects.

For those in the southern hemisphere we’re now approaching the Spring Equinox, celebrated in the ancient world as the optimal time to start new projects providing us with a great window to transcend past wounds by creating a new story.

After the intensity of this full moon conjunction Chiron will move back into Pisces Sept 26 until Feb 2019 giving a welcome reprieve for those born 1970-77 who have been revisiting old wounds since April this year…& providing deep compassion & healing insights in our dreamstate.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac. In the Tarot it’s the lesson of the Fool, the youthful part of us that sets out on a quest or an adventure in order to expand beyond their known world. In the Hero’s Journey, this is experienced as the ‘call to action’.

So in the lead up to this full moon you may feel an inward urge to initiate a new beginning to create a new set of conditions in your life & if this aspect lacks confidence to take the leap of faith you may experience a catalyst that thrusts change upon you, coming ready or not!

When expressed in a healthy way, Aries transits evoke the inner youth who focuses on putting their own ideas into action & feels excited & enthusiastic about embracing the unknown because they possess an innate trust in themselves & the divine plan that things will work out.

For those who haven’t processed & integrated past painful situations Aries transits can highlight their lack of trust in themselves & others.

Aries is the sign of independence. When underdeveloped in us (regardless of our natal sun sign) we can feel dependent on others due to a lack of self belief & confidence. This can be the result of a micromanaging parent or one who puts down their child’s attempts to do things on their own.

When overdeveloped due to a childhood where one felt parents were unavailable & unsupportive we can adopt an attitude of ‘If I don’t do it it doesn’t get done’. The stronger this belief, the more it plays out in our waking reality exacerbating a fear our needs won’t be met which can result in inner anxiety & outer conflict.

As with any sign the way to balance it is to embrace the strengths of the opposite sign. So our lesson this full moon week is to identify if we polarise into independence to try & protect ourselves from being let down or dependency for fear of failure.

By directly addressing the underlying wounded belief we can find the middle ground of interdependence. We do this by taking responsibility for our own needs & also communicating our needs clearly to others. This approach creates a spirit of cooperation.

Without this communication, both parties can feel misunderstood & compensate by polarising to their default position of either independence or dependence which can cause discord.

Aries shadow is an inability to communicate one’s needs which can then result in impatience and frustration expressed in impetuous & reckless ways like a child who combusts & throws a temper tantrum due to an inability to identify & assert their needs.

With the sun in the opposite sign of Libra this is an optimal time to invite others to co-create on the understanding if we are to achieve greatness, we need the skills, talents & strength of others who complement ours.

So if you’ve been trying to do everything on your own, you will create more struggle & experience more headaches (since Aries rules the head) until you concede this is not a harmonious way to create.

Libra also helps us to rise above emotion, so we can discern the facts rather than getting lost in emotion & reactivity. So if you’ve been a magnet for drama of late, consider where & how you’ve fuelled that process by swinging emotionally between love & war, (the lesson of this polarity of Libra / Aries) rather than finding the centre point within & seeing the situation from a higher perspective.

Love creates. War destroys. To create harmoniously we need to be balanced. Aries is only the God of War when unbalanced. When we strive for inner balance we serve something greater than our own ego desires to prove our worth & we emerge as the heroic sacred warrior who takes right action to address injustice created through imbalance.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#76: September 24, 2018, 08:24:16 AM
Sounds like it could be a VERY interesting time.   :o
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#77: September 24, 2018, 08:28:59 AM
Sounds like it could be a VERY interesting time.   :o

In the American definition of "Interesting."

My German colleagues all  know that, if I say "That's Interesting." they had better be looking for fire extinguishers and heavy equipment... They would always tease us...

"The server farm would be on fire, smoke and flames everywhere and you Amis would be standing there looking at it and saying "Oh! THAT is interesting!"  What you think is "Interesting" is more commonly known to the rest of the world as a catastrophe!"  ;D
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#78: September 24, 2018, 08:41:11 AM
My "very interesting" meant, possible catastrophes!   :o

May need some fire extinguishers...
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#79: September 24, 2018, 09:17:23 AM
Thanks Ursa. So far, all is quiet here.

No interesting  American style for now.  ::)
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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)


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