Wow, how dare you prepare a home cooked meal everyday, and feel passionate about everyone eating together as a family
I think there is thread about ridiculous excuses/blame statements. This is a contender I think. Of course, mealtime arrangements can be resolved between two cooperating adults - right? (sorry to say this, but your description of your H at mealtime sounds like a surly teen)
I imagine now that you are starting to look at things through your own lens. That's quite healthy I think, when at first the scales seem to tip a giant pile of blame nuggets on us, we feel buried in our 'deficiencies' (because, we, the non-crisis spouse are often more reflective and tend to take onboard to process other people's criticisms.) But, hopefully, for most of us, with a bit of distance, we can start to see things more clearly and so dig our way out. That's when, IMO, the scales start to re-balance, and we inch forward in healing.