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How has MLC changed your spouse's job?

It's still stable - only our marriage and family have been affected by MLC.
11 (21.2%)
It's stable, but probably because we run it together/they have a partner and I'm/they're picking up the slack.
3 (5.8%)
They have changed careers during MLC, but still continue to be successful.
11 (21.2%)
They are on shaky ground at the job they had prior to MLC.
5 (9.6%)
They have changed jobs or career paths at least once during MLC, and things are unstable.
16 (30.8%)
They aren't working at all.
6 (11.5%)

Total Members Voted: 52

Author Topic: Discussion How has MLC changed your spouse's job?

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Discussion Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#20: March 14, 2013, 03:27:20 AM
My H is a lawyer working for himself together with some co-workers. He always was the once responsible getting new business. But since his MC his office suffers severe losses. H says that's due to the economical crisis. I think it is due to an other kind of crisis. One of the other lawyers got fired a few months ago cause there was no work for him anymore.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#21: March 14, 2013, 06:59:05 AM
My exH retired from a city job with full benefits and started a new job with the county that was going to be his next retirement.  He was thrilled and excited to be taking this next step.  Well, he immediately became very unhappy and negative about this new job.  In his old job........he was his own boss.....more or less........he ran the entire department.  In his new job........well........he was just another employee even though in a supervisory position.  He felt like his talents and abilities were being stuffed down and wasn't feeling very challenged.  So within 6 months of this new job......he started really changing.......I was noticing the difference in him and constantly asked if he was alright and most of the time he would say he was fine.  At other times, he would say he didn't like his new job....but that suddenly changed close to the end of the 6th month.........and within two months I received the ILYBNILWY speech..........then two months later he abandoned me......our marriage and within a few weeks I discovered the OW at his new job.  The dam burst open and EVERYBODY at his job knew.  It began to crumble rapidly and all kinds of problems developed.........and about a year and a half later he was fired..........then he attempted suicide.  He later found part time employment at a sporting goods store.........this was so beneath him......blah, blah, blah.  Finally, about a 6 to 8 months later he landed a job in a private attorney's office.  He has been there a little over a year now.  My exH is a lawyer and he expells when challenged.....since his MLC started he acts as though he is so much better than everybody else.......He is not the same man I met, fell in love with and married.  So sad how MLC is so destructive.......and the MLC'er is so blinded by their own selfishness that they do not see how they hurt and destroy so many in their lives.  Enough to make one sick!
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#22: March 14, 2013, 08:20:26 AM
August 20, my H emailed to say he was "currently looking to change jobs because I am not making nearly enough... I love the job and the people I work for and with but it is everything I can do to not starve... I hope you're doing better than I am..."
January 21, my H emailed to say he no longer worked at that job, since "it became just too slow so I have been forced to try and find another job. If you need me, you can reach me via email or you can call or text me. The number's still the same."
(Then he gave his #, in case I'd forgotten it?  LOL.)  What's funny is he was lookin' to change jobs in August, five months later he calls it being "forced to."  Um, what?
Who forced you to go pay rent somewhere leaving your wife to pay the mortgage?
Nobody's even been forcing you to pay spousal support!  Where's your money go?
He wanted his freedom, but he's only been set free from cash, and common sense.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#23: March 14, 2013, 08:52:45 AM
My H was fired from his job that he had worked for 15 years in February 2009. I firmly believe this was the beginning of MLC, but he didn't leave us until November 2012. After he lost his job, he went to nursing school. He immediately began an EA with a woman who he went to school with and he insisted on having a variety of female friendships even though our MC told him these were not appropriate. In fact my H still blames me for controlling him, micromanaging him and not allowing him to have friends. Even though he wanted to mainly be friends with females. I can't believe that I am the "ONLY" woman in the world who would have an issue with this. I am anxious to see what happens with the OW. I doubt she will be comfortable with these friendships either, but only time will tell.
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