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Author Topic: MLC Monster Vanisher

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MLC Monster Re: Vanisher
#180: April 16, 2012, 12:52:04 PM
I stopped trying to find out anything about him.
It was hurtful and misleading.  Almost like I was torturing myself.
He never told anyone (as far as I know) about when he was thinking of me or that he loved me or that he wanted to come home, even though those things have happened (in the past).  I only heard the "he's dating someone."  Only he knows what's in his mind.
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Re: Vanisher
#181: April 16, 2012, 12:59:21 PM
Mine is a vanisher. She has vanished. She left Dec 4th 2010. There has been not a single text, email or phone call between us in all that time. We were together thirty-three years. Married twenty-eight.

We are divorced. The only communication we had during the divorce process was via solicitors.

She attempts occasional contact with son and daughter. Daughter ignores any attempt of contact from her mother. Son has met his mother June 1011 and March 2012. One hour each meeting. Mother and daughter have not seen each other or spoken to each other since Sept 2010.

I personally believe that NC is a bad thing for more than a few weeks, at most a couple of months.  Beyond that I think it's just too easy for the MLCer to just move on with his life without settling anything.
What would you like him to settle?

For me NC has helped. I read of the torment that the LBS here are put through by the day-to-day drama of their MLCer and I can't help but think that as nightmarish as my situation has been it is an easier nightmare than the death by a thousand cuts that many LBS are subject to.

My marriage was murdered and buried in the woods but I have survived thanks to two amazing children, RL friends and forum friends here and elsewhere.

I'm not sure I have much to contribute these days because my situation is done and dusted. There is no drama to report.

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Me 52,T 34,M 28
D 26, S23
BD 19th Aug 2010
Moved out 4th Dec 2010

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Re: Vanisher
#182: April 16, 2012, 01:46:11 PM
I want him to settle us, our relationship.  Are we married?  Why hasn't he divorced me if he doesn't want to be married?  He needs to make a decision once and for all.  Why not divorce me if he's done?  He hasn't said the word divorce to me since September 2009 when he told me he couldn't commit to the divorce.  He was "back" for about a year and now gone.  He has said he misses me and thinks of me...  so where the h*ll is he???
I know I have the power to D him if I want to, but I don't want to.  I want to reconcile our marriage.  So I wait.
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Re: Vanisher
#183: April 16, 2012, 02:28:14 PM
He has said he misses me and thinks of me...  so where the h*ll is he???
I see, that is a difficult situation. A state of limbo. Your H has stated he misses you and thinks of you so perhaps in your situation some contact could have some positive bearing. In my case W went full speed for D without a single look backwards.

loveisntweakness, do you have no idea where your H is?

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Me 52,T 34,M 28
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BD 19th Aug 2010
Moved out 4th Dec 2010

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Re: Vanisher
#184: April 16, 2012, 09:05:46 PM
I know generally where he will be for the summer.
I, in fact, did contact him. 
We surprised other with gifts left on each others' door steps at Christmas.  I sent a thank you text and he responded with a thank you card.  Then, since I was tiring of the NC, I sent him another text letting him know where I stood after a year of not having seen him.  I told him I still loved him and missed him and remained committed to our marriage.  That was at the end of January.  I have heard nothing since.
So I feel I have reached out and anything more would really be pursuing, so I'm stuck.  I have to just wait.
One person can't bring an end to the NC.
I could call him, but I don't think that's a good idea.  If he needs time to process, then he needs time to process.  He knows where I am and what I'm thinking.
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Re: Vanisher
#185: April 16, 2012, 11:15:02 PM
I personally believe that NC is a bad thing for more than a few weeks, at most a couple of months.  Beyond that I think it's just too easy for the MLCer to just move on with his life without settling anything.

I wonder about this too, but don't believe I had a choice or that some other forum members with vanishers do/did either. In my case, as soon as the OW's husband told me of the affair (with my longtime "dear friend" and mother of D's three closest friends), it was as though H had no reason to live the lie of being a happy family man anymore. Almost instantly he became cruel, detached and completely void of emotion for either me or D. He went full force into the affair in my face and D's while living under the same roof with us. It was excruciating and was done with a level of disregard that is appalling. OW left her H and three children and the two of them went fully back to teenagers, drinking, partying, traveling and going to hotels as much as possible. I used to drive home with D and right on the road to our house, would be their two vehicles side by side at the hotel.  I would drive my traumatized daughter home with shaking hands, go in the bathroom and vomit from the shock and devastation, then make her dinner and try to comfort her, do the laundry, pay the bills...and leave the porch light on for him... For my sanity and survival, I had to detach. I was not going to follow them, ask questions or torment myself any more than he was already tormenting me. And I was not going to give OW fodder for her gossip with our mutual friends. Seven months into the madness, I asked him to move out. I was sick of the "prince" sitting on the guest room bed all day, eating all the junk food he could buy (can we say regression?), chatting away on the internet, then showering only to go see OW--never a word or consideration for me or D. Our home was a tomb and D and I were the walking dead. He was either going to take us into the abyss with him or I had to cut him and OW loose. D and I cannot be subjected to abuse.

He left in January 2011 with no goodbye to D or me, no forwarding address, nothing. I could have contacted him by cell phone or email, but I didn't. I would have crawled on bloody nubs at that point before I would ask him for help. Perhaps it was shortsighted of me not to try to engage him, but I had no more energy for monster and was not going to be the beggar in my own marriage and life. H transfers money twice per months, but otherwise is not in touch, nor am I. OW's H divorced her and she now has an apt. with her kids halftime. H is still living with a male colleague, to my knowledge. I have no idea if he and OW are still together, but assume so or that he is happily playing the field. A year after BD, I learned that OW was not the first or only adultery. I know of at least three and there are probably more. BD2 was equally brutal as I found out that the other close friend in my life, my biggest support and closest ally after BD, was indeed a prior adultery partner. Can you imagine? My confidante for the year since BD?

H is now moving forward legally and I am in the throes of legal paperwork. He knew that I wanted to save our marriage, but he has not shown signs of movement through the tunnel nor any desire to connect except to separate or divorce (Ironic, huh?). I could make an effort but I don't and I don't think it would be appreciated or reciprocated. He is too weak to see a way out of the mess he has created. His mode of operation, is to run from his messes rather than do the work to face and fix them. Even his child holds no incentive for him.

Maybe the NC has made matters worse but frankly, what could be worse than what he has done? I am coming to the conclusion that there seems something intrinsically "off" about those who go through MLC. They are often conflict avoiders, or compartmentalizers, poor communicators, or they don't connect deeply or authentically with people, lack empathy or intimacy (emotional), are self-centered or narcissistic, immature, need immediate gratification, are weak of character, will lie to avoid consequences, blame others to avoid accountability, or all of the above.  And lest we too become avoiders and deniers, we have to see and name the truth. If we still wish to stand, that is our choice, but we at least owe it to ourselves not to paint a fictitiously rosy picture in order to run from the fear that the story we created of our life, spouse and marriage, was perhaps, in large part, an illusion.

For me, NC has been critical to my sanity and instrumental in providing the distance and time that provided the clarity. It is still very painful and I grieve, but to also endure H and my "friend" callously carry on their adultery and mockery of my family, friendship and marriage, in my face, is not something I can do.  I may always ask "what if" I had worked to pave the way, but I did for awhile to no avail. And I think I would equally question the authenticity and longevity of a return that I had to initiate, cultivate and sustain alone, as H has always expected me to take care of everything. That isn't the kind of relationship I want.  I want a man--a full grown, confident, strong, intelligent, funny, man of integrity and positive action. A selfish angst-filled pubescent doesn't cut it, and NC has solidified that realization. 

I don't want to discourage anyone with a vanisher from standing, contacting, maintaining hope or paving the way, but I do believe there are circumstances in which NC is a saving grace even for extended periods. I would not have chosen MLC as the way to personal development, but it has brought tremendous lessons nonetheless and an awareness that all any of us can do sometimes is ride the waves and pray we don't drown.

May each of you receive the happy ending you deserve whether it comes wrapped in the original package or something better,
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Married 24 years
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D (young adult now)
BD 2010
He is a vanisher
Divorced 2016

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Re: Vanisher
#186: April 17, 2012, 05:38:13 AM

Sadly with a vanisher there really isn't anything to write about. The few times mine surfaces it shows he is still lost in replay. Mine spent the last two+ years trying to make it so he couldn't come home. I believe they do this on purpose so they just pass the blame. I often wonder if out of sight out of mind holds for them, I doubt it, the vanishing is just avoidance.  In all sense I am a vanisher too now, I don't reach out to him, I was just getting hurt more and more and paving the way was useless. Now I just do what I want when I want and live my life as he is in all sense gone. I miss him and I believe I will always feel that void where he once walked. To me all the good he once was has been washed away. Having a vanisher is hard, my only relationship with him is one in my head, I fear that once I let go of the hurt and sorrow there will be nothing left.

Much love to all of you, all we can do is rebuild our lives, let them rot, enjoy our children, friends, family and heal. We have all the time we need to do this, time is on our side not the vanishers.
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H40, M19, T21, D14
Separated not living together

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly

“Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call destiny.” John Hobbes.

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Re: Vanisher
#187: April 17, 2012, 07:25:41 AM
Phoenix, I'm sorry for your pain.
I also feel that it got to the point where I had no choice. 
I do think for some on here there is a choice.  I advise against except when there is severe cake eating.

I too know there is not much to say.  Still, I cycle.  For me it's hard. 
I was so in love with the man I married and was hoping for a life with him.
The life I have now has big holes in it that I can only fill for moments at a time.  I really have no desire for anyone else, yet the loneliness/emptiness gets to me from time to time.
For me, the thing that was most important in life was who I spent it with.  I loved doing things for my H.  Now it's just me and the cat.  Not quite the same.

For years I believed he was coming home.  Now I don't feel that anymore.  I feel he is struggling, but more likely than not is on a path that won't cross mine again.
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Re: Vanisher
#188: April 17, 2012, 10:15:01 AM

I understand your feels and have felt them too, over and over again. After bomb drop for me I was seeing a counselor and he keep saying I can't tell where you begin and he ends. He was right we where so intertwined and it has taken me years  to find myself and I have holes too. They will fill in time, just as yours. We have been force to let go of not just our marriages but our dreams too, which is what makes this specially hard but they are just men and we give them too much credit. We made them special with our love for them. In the beginning I didn't think I'd laugh ever again, that the sun would  rise but it did, life continues on, not in the direction that we all though but in a different way.

I believed mine would come back for a long time, in July it will be three year since BD. I don't anymore, I don't see how, he would have to face all the destruction and pain he has caused, he would have to become a bigger person then he ever was back when he loved me.  We all cycle, we all feel bad and we all bounce back up, never be hard on yourself.

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H40, M19, T21, D14
Separated not living together

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly

“Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call destiny.” John Hobbes.


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