I have been troubled by your most recent post & have been mulling over a response to it & to the many good responses that followed, but here S&D has done it for me.
Despite the uncanny similarities in our MLCer's words & actions, we all had unique M's, so no one can dispute what you know about yourself, your H, & your M. Some MLCer's are indeed narcissists & that is important to determine. Mirror work would involve determining why you would want to fling yourself back into such a harmful R. But most often here, at some stage, we all seem to believe our spouses ARE narcissists, not just behaving like one, because we see no other explanation.
The MC H & I saw (briefly together/much longer for me) quickly identified my H's actions as an addiction & also quickly determined that my H was not a narcissist. He later explained to me that addicts (& I believe MLCer's) behave like narcissists--they lose their conscience, they lose empathy, they are completely selfish. In the language of MLC, as S&D says, these are the actions of the Shadow. In the language of addiction, these are the actions of the Inner Addict. The true self is overwhelmed & this is the struggle of those in crisis.
I have no doubt that I love my H & always will. That is my feeling, but also my choice. I don't believe he will ever heal if he does not acknowledge & feel the pain he has inflicted on others. My desire for this comes from my love & yes, also from a desire for justice, but not from a place of revenge. I don't want my H to feel pain & remain in pain; I want him to move through it & to a place of healing.
I also believe that my H loved me, although at one point I asked my IC if I was just his first addiction. The brokenness inflicted by his FOO has led him to seek external sources of "happiness" all through his life. I see this as the source of his tendency toward selfishness throughout our lives. But a man does not work hard to provide for his family all of his life, live a faithful M for over 30 years, & enjoy mutual interests in a relaxed & comfortable way with his spouse for decades without love. He has mistaken his depression & the distraction of an OW's adoration/infatuation as indications that he has "been unhappy in our M" for over half of our 40 years together.
I have said at times that I hate the OW, that I will never forgive her, but truly I don't waste that much energy on her. I wish her to no longer be a factor in my family's life, but beyond that I don't care one bit what is to become of her. That has nothing to do with me.
Detach and Survive: A Book of Self-Care for the Wives of Midlife Crisis Men
The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Susan Anderson
Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The Addictive Personality, Craig Nakken'ed 41 years
BD-Jan 2013
Legally separated Feb 2013
D'ed without my consent July 2015
H M'ed OW Sept 2015