Handpuppet I agree with a lot that you have said. My H has told me I am desperate and no self esteem when I keep reaching out to him. Why then would I keep doing such a thing. H destroyed everything, I have done everything possible with no progress. I will not beg H to be with me. It only fires up the OW. H has allowed OW to hurt me by calling, text, pictures, etc and H is ok with that. I will never allow anyone to walk all over me. I am a wonderful person and if NC and no cake-eating is wrong then I have wasted a lot of my life. Any normal human being can take just so much before they push for D. H's loss and H knows it and so does everyone we know.
I don't think there is a right or wrong here. While there is evidence of a MLC script, each of us has complex situations and circumstances to deal with. Do what you need to do for your own sanity and safety.
If reaching out to him doesn't bring you peace, then don't do it. If reaching out to him brings you peace, then do that. NC may be what you need to do right now but it might not be what you do six months from now; there is a ebb and flow to all of this crazy. My point is.. you cannot reconnect if there is NO connection so going NC to punish or discipline them is not going to work if your long-term goal is reconciliation. NC is appropriate if there is abuse or you feel unsafe.
When Mr. HP was in the throws of OW2, I went fairly dim/dark. During this time, he would monster to get a reaction from me and sometimes it would catch me off guard because I hadn't learned to do a different dance yet (so to speak) and I would totally take the bait. But now (5.5 years later) we are reconnecting... I still go dim at times but overall I try to be consistent with my behavior to encourage the reconnection, and hopefully one day reconciliation.
“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” -Anne Lamott