Mine had multiple traumas: military retirement, having a hard time finding a job ( which lead to financial issues ), his father dying, a sister going through MLC, having to move out of/losing the house. Those are the things that I know of. It seemed to all hit almost at once.
I think that now he'll be going through more trauma that will or won't wake him up. Don't have a clue. But, here's what's happening and been happening for the past 3 months and will progress in the next 30 days. These have been in the past 2 months: getting visitation only with our girls, losing the house to auction because of foreclosure, the unpaid back/property taxes, a Pysch Eval, and the Divorce and child support/alimony hearing will be on the same day. Everything is going to be coming to a head by the end of September. I hope he wakes up, don't want the kids to see him fall. But, it looks like this has to happen. At least he'll probably end up in therapy throughout it all. Court ordered.
I know that this will be very traumatic considering that he's been monstering at me the whole time ( even the seducer has been showing himself ). He's a high energy replayer and seems to live in A/E mode. This is going to be the reality check that he's been running from. I feel sorry for him, because it really didn't have to be this way.
-You just can't make this s*it up.
-Not my circus, not my monkeys!