My H seems to be a low energy type of MLCer. His new thing is to leave the house and be gone as long as possible trying to make me react. I don't. Today, S16 was over at H's parents, and H was supposed to pick up S at 2:00 and bring him home. H woke up at 1pm, left at 1:20 to get himself some lunch, then was supposed to get S. At 5PM, I had to call over there to see if I needed to make dinner for S, but it turns out they were having dinner there. 9:30 pm rolls around, no call. So I call over there to see where S is and H's parent say they already left.
S walks in and I ask if he had a good time, he says yes. Then I mention that if he knows he isn't coming home for dinner, to give me a call. H walks in a minute later and I said "Did you have a nice time?" He says "It was an afternoon." He's surly. I said, "Calling to let me know S isn't coming home for dinner falls under the heading of "Common Courtesy" as we agreed on two weeks ago." H wants to be mad, but can't since he agreed on the terms. Suddenly, he's not surly anymore.
Has anyone else had experience with passive aggressive behaviors?