Like Nah, I have no problem describing mine as a vanisher. I have had even less contact than she has lol. Not just Never.Said.A.Word, more just Never. in my case
And as a Milly said I do think it is about more than just how/if they contact you. My h started out as probably a wallowing boomerang...very depressed, isolating himself but also still one foot in our m I think. Certainly then he saw 'this' - whatever this was - as a temporary thing, something to get better from, and wanted me to not give up on him. He cycled from silence to popping up for s few days/weeks wanting to talk...but only about himself of course and he didn't make much sense.
And then there was a point when out of the blue he went from regular reconnecting actions for about 2 months to a 180 and announced by text that divorce was the only option in May 16, the real BD I suppose. And then he became a vanisher with a capital V...woukdn't reply to any communication really often for weeks if not months, just ignored me, his friends and even his own L for a while in early 2017. My best sense with hindsight is that he decided - and I think he said so - that he was a different person now so that was that. He never looked back really and felt no need apparently to explain, apologise or say goodbye. Or deal with any of the mess or obligations he left behind. He did have the odd pop up, maybe three of four, between late 2017 and early 2018...just random mr sadz emails or needing to talk about divorce related things which he tried to stretch into other kinds of talk. But tbh he still didn't make much sense, never followed through on anything he said he wanted to do differently and lied so much about so much it was simply surreal. So I shut it down when it was evidently futile and wasn't helping me at all. Again looking back, I think there were a couple of moments when he wavered...wanting to 'chat' after months of ignoring me in mid 2017, wanting to meet post watchgate and to talk about his 'shock' that ow had stolen from him and lied for a year. It felt like some small bit of him had a reaching out hiccup...but it never lasted long and there was not enough substance and too many lies. It kind of felt as if there was no 'there' there if that makes sense and by mid 2017 I knew facts I had not known before (which he was still lying about lol) and was priotising my sanity over his, so it was a no from me.
What do I think the characteristics of vanishers are? I think - and of course it is still a spectrum - that they erase and leave behind as much of their old lives as they can. Friends, family, hobbies, church, possessions, even kids. I think they often do a significant 'geographical' move. I think they rarely show signs of doubt other than the odd bit of mr sadz. I think they show zero interest in you or any bit of the old life, even a polite minimal kind of interest. I think they pretty much stonewall you and behave as if you don't exist and even never existed perhaps. I think they invest almost entirely in a new life completely centred around the life of ow/ place, new 'family', new interests, new friends...and they ignore or avoid people who reach out from their old life. I think they press the ctrl-alt-del button on their old life/self. I think 'out of sight, out of mind' is their new motto. I have no idea how it feels to do that and I know that some vanishers seem to pop up and try to 'look' at us, but it never seems to be more than a quick look. From what I can see, maybe the core difference is that vanishers want nothing from us - not cake, not reassurance, not a single Paving stone lol - they want us to go away and not irritate them by existing from what I can see.
I have no idea if vanishers are more or less likely to recover from their crisis. I suspect though that two things influence the chances of reconnection. I think vanishers pretty much leave no bridge unburned so it would require real effort to make a new one if they wanted to reconnect. And I think the LBS is forced to live as if they are not coming back bc there is no sign of them, they really might as well be dead, and we move forward based on that. Maybe bc we see less signs of crazy, we decide that they never really loved us, that it was an exit affair not a crisis, that the person we knew couldn't have been who we thought? Idk. I think LBS with vanishers grieve hard but maybe have less hope of reconnection after a long period of invisibility?
And the vanishing behaviour sends such a clear signal of 'you mean absolutely nothing to me' that I suspect to heal most LBS need to invest big time in things and people where they feel they are new relationships and a new lifestyle form.
I have read too of a few anecdotes - yellowroseoftexas is a recent one - where even after years of NC, they pop up with an email out of the blue, sometimes even a kind of apology or use some kind of life event to sidle towards the LBS and LB kids. But sense is that this is not common and if it happens it is like 5/7+ years later. And often when their new 'happy' hasn't worked out so well. Maybe it is just nostalgia? Idk. Maybe more of them are like Jim of Mexico that Airmid posted about recently on the Old Timers thread. They vanish so much and for so long that it seems - or is - impossible for them to return.
I appreciate this might be different if you have kids or other links, but tbh there are plenty of stories here of vanishers pretty much disappearing from their kids or other family members lives too for months on end, even years. Maybe the odd pop up mr sadz or mr rage text....but no follow through. Sometimes, after a while, that can change...again I guess it is a spectrum thing.
I think this is all different from if or how much the LBS knows about where they are or how to contact them or what they are doing. I have a phone number for my xh bc he didn't change it. If he updates his LinkedIn I suppose I can see if he is alive or still working for the same company. But I know nothing more really. I don't know where he lives.mI only know he got married bc ow was 'kind' enough to send me an anonymous note lol. As of today, tbh my xh could be dead or an inpatient or separated or living in another country, and I wouldn't know. In my case I don't post much on social media but I see no sign that he looks, although I suspect ow did.
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg