Out of interest (if you want to share) was the 1.5 years previous NC from your choice or at the request of your w? And why did you agree to talk/listen? No judgment implied btw....we all learn here that we learn and adapt as we go
Did you feel she wanted anything from you which was a potential threat to your current level of detachment? Or indeed any of those sneaky little expectation beasties that sometimes creep up on us LBS lol.....
Completely legit question, I documented my entire story over the first 1.5 years at another site. Brief version is I figured out very early what was going on, I went back into therapy, I detached (over time) and removed all pressure and stress and continued with my life while my wife was going through her various cycles (throughout BDs). I have remained as non reactive as I can and really have been living my life without any push or pull from what she does. I try to remain civil, kind, and will accommodate her unless it is crossing a boundary and/or is harmful to me.
Last BD was 1.5 years ago, after she had cycled back much closer and was showing a lot of signs of her old self. We had just spent 3 meetings at various places where she was much more herself. She was even back home and was saying things like “why did I think this place is so bad?” Then we parted ways and I went to LA for a trip and she went back to visit with OM. We met back home after two weeks. She arrived after me, late one night. Then she avoided me for a day or so. When I ran into her the next morning I asked “hey do you want to grab dinner” and she responded with “no I think we should go our separate ways, so plan whatever you want for dinner.” And she was back to full on shark eyes and complete reversion to complete disassociation. The trigger may have been a cousin who was her age committing suicide during that time, or it may have been a squirrel who looked at her funny. But I simply asked her “is this what you want, because its not what I want.” She said yes but was completely acting strange. She went shopping and got me things after that, she said she wanted to say goodbye to the “house” but when I asked “can I say goodbye before I leave” she said “sure if you want.” So complete MLC clown logic. From that point she avoided me completely, would not talk to me by voice, would only send text as she wanted. My basic approach for contact is I match her exactly wherever she is. Because of my own set of skills to detach I didn’t need NC to protect myself, it is rather keeping a complete boundary whenever we do interact. If she is superficial I remain superficial. A few times she has cycled closer to self awareness and has talked I have matched her exactly and only answered questions asked. I have never offered advice, not told her what is going on, or what she should do. Well almost never, there was one time where she was being very mean and I called the OM a hippy! We have had numerous times where there have been long conversations, which really was her just talking and me listening. Sometimes for hours. There were a couple of times where my old wife returned and we actually had deeper conversations (but not about what is going on with her). And a lot of just ranting/venting from her and me smiling and nodding.
So brief version (hah) is it was her choice, she just disappeared. I never pushed it. When she texted I would respond, but almost always she ended the brief trail of conversation. So this was her doing. I have no agenda, no plan, no dream that this will work out. This is just someone who I care for deeply, who I shared 23+ years with, and will help if and when a day comes that she seeks it. No expectations. My life has moved on without her and that is the direction its headed.