A very complex question for many reasons.....
Firstly, this may not even be MLC. Lets just face it ..not every man that acts this way is in MLC. It absolutely could be that he just wants out and got out . Period. There is no way to know with 100% certainty that a MLC is what is happening . There is no "blood test". They may well follow a similar "script"...still, you truly do not know. No one knows for sure . Not you and not me. Period. So they may never "quit". You could be waiting for nothing. Which is why GAL and moving forward "as if" they are not returning .
Secondly.. they may in fact complete this journey , and still decide not to return to their old life and marriage . There may be a thousand reasons that they do not look back...we do not know. Many do not return. Many LBS do not want them as the trauma is too deep and everything is lost. Those that do return , may not successfully re-establish their marriage or build the "new" one. It is a crap shoot to put it mildly.
Thirdly ... if you are using any information to form some kind of strategy or "manufacture" a situation they may influence him to return...well, that is doomed as well. It was NEVER about you . You can not influence or steer the outcome . Period. He may or may not see any change and in all likelihood it will not have an impact on him. Especially in replay. He is busy . He is in his own crisis and anything from you just interferes and interrupts his journey. He is busy responding to you ( likely with monster) and has taken his focus off his own issues . The more you attempt to manipulate, communicate, throw darts at him etc ... the more certain he becomes that you are indeed nuts and leaving was the best thing he ever did. Truth.
You cannot talk with such certainties . That there is an "absolute "...well, anything. There are NONE. When will he "quit"?... as if he factually will ? He may NEVER "quit" as you say. You cannot wait for that as if it will factually and absolutely happen.
It is 100% the truth when you are asked " when will YOU quit?" . That is the far bigger and more important question. YOU only have control over YOU ...and that is hard enough for a LBS. Focus on you only . That's it, that's all. He may never return and for you to think only in concrete fact that it is only a "matter of time" is simply wrong. You do not know that . None of us could ever know that . Leave him 100% alone ( no more court dates !!!! ) and look in the mirror and practice meeting yourself, love yourself, plan your future, re-train etc etc ...live as if he will never return. IF he does... you will be stronger, healthier and wiser. Fact.