Well that is a lot to talk about.
In the early days I prayed and prayed...more like wailed

for him to come home. I was in so much pain, and I wanted nothing more than to go back to how things were. For this to all be a nightmare.
Nearly 2 years on I am glad he chose not to answer that prayer. Dealing with MLC is bad enough, but dealing with my MLCer on a daily basis, living in my house, having an affair..would have just been explosive. I would not have been able to detach and change and grow...and he would continue to be angry, feel controlled, hide and sneak and lie... Ultimately if we had to be confined in a house with three small children, while he went through this it would have damaged our relationship more.
He has to go through this. He can do it here in my house, with me having to put up with his mood swings, lying, and eggshell walking....or he can do it out there while I get on with my life.
Sometimes prayers aren't answered. Not to hurt us, but to protect us. We usually can not see why until much further down the road.
Perhaps you should stop trying to pray for an outcome...and just accept that whatever he has planned, you are being looked after.
I liken it to an annoying child. God knows what you want, you have asked him, he can see in your heart. What good does it do us to keep tugging at his ear asking for the same thing over and over?
These days I do not ask for God to do 'something'. I say thank you for my kids, I say thank you when I catch a break, I apologise to him if I mess up....but I trust at the end of the day, things will be the way they are supposed to be. Isn't that what faith is? Believing it will happen, even though all evidence points otherwise?
Faith isn't measured in the number of times you yank his cloth begging for him to do something you want. People have free will. It is our choice to be ''good'' or ''bad''. It is our choice to believe in him, or someone else, or nothing at all. He can not MAKE our MLCer choose to do the right thing. That defeats the purpose of our journey in life.
I suppose you could ask him stuff like ''please send a message to my husband in his dreams, reminding him of the good times''....sure he might do something like that if he see's fit...but if that is useful he will do it anyway don't you think?
I do believe in the gift of intuition. There have been many stories I could share about moments where I just ''knew'' something, both before and after BD. It has saved my life at least 2 times. I do not know if this is something we are born with, or if this is ''messages from God'' as talked about in the old days. I just know that it has happened to me, and when it does you know that it isn't something from you but from somewhere else (God, guardian angel's...whatever).
In terms of time frames...keep in mind that our time and God's time can be completely different.
You know this is MLC when you have played emotional hot potato with a pair of crotch-less tights.